C ++我可以在这里使用数组来缩短我的代码吗?

时间:2016-04-30 02:55:46

标签: c++




#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    int q1;
    int q2;
    int q3;
    int q4;
    int q5;
    int q6;
    int q7;
    int q8;
    int q9;
    int q10;
    int q11;
    int q12;

    int f;
    //Used for the total of all values

    int t;
    //Used for the total to be divided

    int a;
    //Used for dividing the numbers.
    cout << "We will be finding a mean. Enter the amount of numbers that will be        entered, the maximum is 12: ";

    cin >> a;

    cout << "Now enter what numbers you want to find the mean for, because the maximum is 12, if you have less than 12, enter 0 for the rest: ";
    cin >> q1;
    cin >> q2;
    cin >> q3;
    cin >> q4;
    cin >> q5;
    cin >> q6;
    cin >> q7;
    cin >> q8;
    cin >> q9;
    cin >> q10;
    cin >> q11;
    cin >> q12;

    f = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 + q6 + q7 + q8 + q9 + q10 + q11 + q12;

    cout << f / a << '\n';


非常感谢任何建议!这是在Visual Studio中进行的,以防您需要知道。

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    int totalNums;
    cout << "We will be finding a mean.\n";
    cout << "You can only enter up to 12 numbers;

     // Declare an array to hold 12 int's
    int nums[12];

    // i will count how many numbers have been entered
    // sum will hold the total of all numbers
    int i, sum = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        cout << "Enter the next number: ";
        cin >> nums[i];
        sum += nums[i];

    cout << "The mean is: " << (sum / totalNums) << '\n';

    //Try to avoid using system!




#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

    int totalNums;
    cout << "We will be finding a mean.\n";
    cout << "Enter the amount of numbers that will be entered: ";
    cin >> totalNums;

    // i will count how many numbers have been entered
    // sum will hold the total of all numbers
    // currentNum will hold the last number entered
    int i, sum = 0, currentNum = 0;

    for(i = 0; i < totalNums; i++) {
        cout << "Enter the next number: ";
        cin >> currentNum;
        sum += currentNum;

    cout << "The mean is: " << 1.0 * sum / totalNums << '\n';

    //Try to avoid using system!

答案 1 :(得分:0)

数组可以被视为一系列变量,每个变量都有id。 0和(元素数) - 1(包括两者)之间的整数是可用的ID。


#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    int q[12];

    int f;
    //Used for the total of all values

    int t;
    //Used for the total to be divided

    int a;
    //Used for dividing the numbers.
    cout << "We will be finding a mean. Enter the amount of numbers that will be        entered, the maximum is 12: ";

    cin >> a;

    cout << "Now enter what numbers you want to find the mean for, because the maximum is 12, if you have less than 12, enter 0 for the rest: ";
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        cin >> q[i];

    f = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        f += q[i];

    cout << f / a << '\n';


您可以使用将来读取的数字,但目前除了计算总和之外没有使用数字,因此您可以省略数组并在阅读时进行添加。另外,我删除了未使用的变量t,并使用using namespace std;停止,这被视为不合适。

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

using std::cin;
using std::cout;

int main() {
    int q;

    int f;
    //Used for the total of all values

    int a;
    //Used for dividing the numbers.
    cout << "We will be finding a mean. Enter the amount of numbers that will be        entered, the maximum is 12: ";

    cin >> a;

    cout << "Now enter what numbers you want to find the mean for, because the maximum is 12, if you have less than 12, enter 0 for the rest: ";
    f = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
        cin >> q;
        f += q;

    cout << f / a << '\n';


答案 2 :(得分:0)

您将此问题标记为C ++。

我建议你不要使用“using”,你应该更喜欢vector over array。


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 
   std::cout << "We will be finding a mean." << std::endl
             << "Enter numbers, and press ^d when complete.\n" 
             << std::endl;

   // Declare a vector to hold user entered int's
   std::vector<int> intVec;

   // the vector automatically keeps track of element count

   do {
      std::cout << "number: ";   // prompt
      int t = 0;
      std::cin >> t;             // use std::cin, 
      if(std::cin.eof()) break;  // ^d generates eof()

   // there are several way to sum a vec, 
   // this works fine:
   int sum = 0;
   for (auto i : intVec)  sum += i;

   std::cout << "\n  sum : " << sum
             << "\ncount : " << intVec.size()
             << "\n mean : " << (sum / intVec.size()) << std::endl;





^ d - 生成文件输入结束      ...同时按住“Control”键并输入“d”字样

注意 - 不处理错误输入 - 尝试输入'number'作为'num'字符串。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

接受的答案肯定是使用数组转换代码的最有效方法,但我要补充的一点是,在C ++中将整数除以另一个整数只能得到一个整数,并且因为你需要试图得到均值,看起来你想要得到小数结果,所以你需要做两件事之一:

  1. sum声明为浮动,以便totalNums潜水以获得平均值。
  2. 将其中一个整数转换为float或double,以便小数不会被截断,因此最后的cout语句将如下所示:
  3. cout << "The mean is: " << (double)sum/totalNums << endl;

    在C ++中,精度的默认值为6,但您可以通过添加#include <iomanip>并使用iomanip中的setprecision( )函数来更改显示的小数点数,您只需添加它即可相同的输出行:

    cout << setprecision(x) << "The mean is: " << (double)sum/totalNums << endl;





    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    main( ) {
        const int ARRAY_SIZE = 200;
        const int SENTINAL = -999;
        int totalNums = 0;
        int sum = 0;
        //declare an array of pointers to integers so
        //the user can enter a large number of integers
        //without using as much memory, because the memory
        //allocated is an array of pointers, and the int
        //aren't allocated until they are needed
        int *arr[ARRAY_SIZE];
        cout << "We will be finding a mean." << endl;
        cout << "Enter integers (up to 200) or enter -999 to stop" << endl;
        //add a conditional into the for loop so that if the
        //user enters the sentinal value they will break out
        //of the loop
        for (int c = 0; c < ARRAY_SIZE; c++) {
            //every time you iterate through the loop, create a new
            //integer by using the new keyword using totalNums as
            //the index
            arr[totalNums] = new int;
            cout << "Enter integer: ";
            //input into the array of pointers by dereferencing it
            //(so it refers to what the pointer is pointer to instead
            //of the pointer)
            cin >> *arr[totalNums];
            if (*arr[totalNums] == SENTINAL)
            else {
                sum += *arr[totalNums];
        cout << setprecision(3) << "The mean is: " << (float)sum / totalNums << endl;