
时间:2010-09-12 12:18:18

标签: drupal drupal-6



我该怎么做? 感谢

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


* Previous / Next function for nodes, ordered by node creation date
* @param $current_node: node object or node id
* @param $node_types:  array of node types to query
* @return array
function MODULE_prev_next_node($current_node = NULL, $node_types = array()) {
    // make node object if only node id given
    if (!is_object($current_node)) { $current_node = node_load($current_node->nid); }

    // make an array if string value was given
    if (!is_array($node_types)) { $node_types = array($node_types); }

    // previous
    $prev = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->condition('n.status', 1,'=')
    ->condition('n.type', $node_types,'IN')
    ->condition('n.created', $current_node->created,'<')

    // next or false if none
    $next = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->condition('n.status', 1,'=')
    ->condition('n.type', $node_types,'IN')
    ->condition('n.created', $current_node->created,'>')

    return array('prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next);

答案 1 :(得分:4)

使用Drupal 8,我最终在modules / MY_MODULE / src / TwigExtension中创建了一个twig扩展名(如果您不知道如何创建自定义D8模块,那么MODULE_NAME就是您的模块机器名称,{ {3}})

namespace Drupal\MODULE_NAME\TwigExtension;

use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;

class PrevNextNode extends \Twig_Extension {
     * Generates a list of all Twig filters that this extension defines.
    public function getFunctions() {
        return [
            new \Twig_SimpleFunction('customPrevious', array($this, 'customPrevious')),
            new \Twig_SimpleFunction('customNext', array($this, 'customNext'))

     * Gets a unique identifier for this Twig extension.
    public function getName() {
        return 'custom.prevnextnode_extension';

     * Previous node
     * @param $prevNextInfo
     * @return array|bool
    public function customPrevious($prevNextInfo)
        $node = Node::load($prevNextInfo['nid']);
        return $this->getNodeInformation($prevNextInfo['node_type'], $node->getCreatedTime(), '<', 'DESC');

     * Next node
     * @param $prevNextInfo
     * @return array|bool
    public function customNext($prevNextInfo)
        $node = Node::load($prevNextInfo['nid']);
        return $this->getNodeInformation($prevNextInfo['node_type'], $node->getCreatedTime(), '>', 'ASC');

     * Get current langcode
     * @return string
    public function getCurrentLangcode()
        return \Drupal::languageManager()->getCurrentLanguage()->getId();

      * Previous or next node
      * @param $node_type
      * @param $date
      * @param $date_comparator
      * @param $sort_order
      * @return array|bool
    public function getNodeInformation($node_type, $date, $date_comparator, $sort_order)
        $prev_or_next = \Drupal::entityQuery('node')
            ->condition('type', $node_type)
            ->condition('status', 1)
            ->condition('created', $date, $date_comparator)
            ->sort('created', $sort_order)
            ->range(0, 1)

        if(!$prev_or_next) return false;

        // Get the node itself
        $prev_or_next = Node::load(array_values($prev_or_next)[0]);
        // Get the available languages for the given node
        $available_languages = $prev_or_next->getTranslationLanguages();
        // If the current language is defined in the available languages array
        if(array_key_exists($this->getCurrentLangcode(), $available_languages)){
            // Get the translated node
            $translation = $prev_or_next->getTranslation($this->getCurrentLangcode());

            // Return the information you need, can be w/e you want.
            return [
                'title' => $translation->getTitle(),
                'id' => $translation->id(),
                'path' => $translation->toUrl()->toString()

        return false;

然后您必须将您的枝条扩展名注册为服务(位于modules / MY_MODULE中的MY_MODULE.services.yml)。

  # Next / Previous links on selected node pages. class: namespace of your extension
    class: Drupal\MODULE_NAME\TwigExtension\PrevNextNode
      - { name: twig.extension }

清除Drupal 8的缓存,您就可以在HTML中的任何地方使用新的树枝扩展程序。

{# make sure you get 'content_type' and 'nid' parameters (a preprocess file would be a good start) #}
    set prevNextInfo = { 'node_type': 'content_type', 'nid' : 10 }

{% if prevNextInfo.node_type and prevNextInfo.nid and (customPrevious(prevNextInfo) or customNext(prevNextInfo)) %}
    <div id="node-pagination">
        {% if customPrevious(prevNextInfo) %}
            <a href="{{ customPrevious(prevNextInfo).path }}" class="pagination-btn pagination-prev">{{ 'Previous node' }} : {{ customPrevious(prevNextInfo).title }}</a>
        {% endif %}
        {% if customNext(prevNextInfo) %}
            <a href="{{ customNext(prevNextInfo).path }}" class="pagination-btn pagination-prev">{{ 'Next node' }} : {{ customNext(prevNextInfo).title }}</a>
        {% endif %}
{% endif %}

答案 2 :(得分:2)

Custom Pager module完全符合您的要求。您可以使用视图来定义下一个/上一个节点。


答案 3 :(得分:2)

我认为Previous/Next API模块可能正是您所需要的。






答案 4 :(得分:1)


答案 5 :(得分:0)


  • 为您的节点类型创建自定义模板
  • 在模板中,根据您的需要添加数据库查询以获取下一个和上一个节点(按您想要的任何方式过滤),
  • 提取这两个节点的网址
  • 将链接放在您需要的地方。


答案 6 :(得分:0)

这会在同一个函数调用中执行prev / next查询,并将prev / next信息作为数组返回。我首选的方法是重用代码。参数也更灵活。

* Previous / Next function for nodes, ordered by node creation date
* @param $current_node: node object or node id
* @param $node_types:  array of node types to query
* @return array
function mymodule_prev_next_created($current_node = NULL, $node_types = array()) {
  // make node object if only node id given
  if (!is_object($current_node)) { $current_node = node_load($current_node->nid); }

  // make an array if string value was given
  if (!is_array($node_types)) { $node_types = array($node_types); }

  // previous
  $sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.created FROM {node} n
    WHERE n.created < %d AND n.type IN ('%s')
    AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.created DESC LIMIT 1";
  $result = db_query($sql, $current_node->created, implode("','", $node_types));
  $prev = db_fetch_object($result);

  // next
  $sql = "SELECT n.nid, n.title, n.created FROM {node} n
    WHERE n.created > %d AND n.type IN ('%s')
    AND n.status = 1 ORDER BY n.created ASC LIMIT 1";
  $result = db_query($sql, $current_node->created, implode("','", $node_types));
  $next = db_fetch_object($result);

  return array('prev' => $prev, 'next' => $next);