
时间:2016-04-29 16:54:40

标签: excel excel-vba csv vba


|Item Number|Description|Unit of Measure|4/29/2016|4/30/2016|5/1/2016|etc..
|          1|item #1    |units          |         |       10|        |
|          2|item #2    |units          |         |         |     540|
|          3|item #3    |units          |       45|       28|        |
|          4|item #4    |units          |      133|         |        |






1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




  1. 遍历每一行。
  2. 在每一行中,循环显示日期列中的所有单元格。
  3. 对于以这种方式找到的每个非空单元格,创建一个输出行,其第一列的值与当前单元格的值和列标题连接,转换为所需的日期表示。
  4. 将每个输出行写入文件。
  5. 此示例代码显示了一种可能的实现。您必须将其粘贴到VBA编辑器中的标准代码模块中,并添加对 Microsoft Scripting Runtime 库的引用(通过Tools - > References添加它)。
    假设问题中的6列布局从单元格A1开始,您可以通过在立即窗口中输入ExportToCSV ActiveSheet.Range("A1:F5"), 1, 4, "D:\output.csv"来调用代码(使用CTRL + G打开)。根据需要调整参数。

    ' exports the range rngTab to the file strFilename.
    ' lngColumnID defines the column in rngTab that contains the ID for each output line.
    ' lngColumnFirstDate defines the first date column in rngTab, assuming that all following columns are date columns as well.
    Public Sub ExportToCSV(ByRef rngTab As Range, ByVal lngColumnID As Long, ByVal lngColumnFirstDate As Long, ByVal strFilename As String)
        Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
        Dim ts As Scripting.TextStream
        Dim rngHeader As Range
        Dim rngRow As Range
        Dim rngCell As Range
        Dim lngCurrentColumnInTab As Long
        ' open the output file
        Set fso = New FileSystemObject
        Set ts = fso.CreateTextFile(strFilename, False) ' toggle the second parameter to overwrite an existing file without warning
        ' define the first row as the header row
        Set rngHeader = rngTab.Rows(1)
        ' loop over all data rows beginning with the second one, assuming the first contains the header
        For Each rngRow In rngTab.Resize(rngTab.Rows.Count - 1).Offset(1).Rows
            ' loop over all cells in the current row beginning in column lngColumnFirstDate.
            ' lngCurrentColumnInTab is a counter that keeps track of the current column so that the appropriate header value can be retrieved.
            lngCurrentColumnInTab = lngColumnFirstDate
            For Each rngCell In rngRow.Resize(, rngRow.Columns.Count - lngColumnFirstDate + 1).Offset(, lngColumnFirstDate - 1).Columns
                ' if a non-empty cell was found, create the output line by concatenating (comma separated) the following:
                '   * the ID contained in the cell in column lngColumnID
                '   * the current cell's content
                '   * the date in the current cell's header row; it is first converted to a date and then formatted for the desired output
                ' the constructed output line is then written to the file opened as text stream ts.
                If rngCell <> "" Then ts.WriteLine rngRow.Cells(, lngColumnID) _
                                           & "," & rngCell _
                                           & "," & Format(ConvertToDate(rngHeader.Cells(, lngCurrentColumnInTab)), "ddmmyyyy")
                lngCurrentColumnInTab = lngCurrentColumnInTab + 1
            Next rngCell
        Next rngRow
        ' everything was written, close the file
    End Sub
    ' helper function to convert a string in the format m/d/y to a date
    Private Function ConvertToDate(ByVal strDate As String) As Date
        ConvertToDate = DateSerial(Split(strDate, "/")(2), Split(strDate, "/")(0), Split(strDate, "/")(1))
    End Function

