我试图从用户那里获得输入并将其写入文件 使用GHex我可以看到字符串存储正确但文件似乎存储为二进制文件(不能用gedit作为文本文件打开) 如何解决?
section .data
CreateErrorPrompt: db 'Error creating file',10
CreateErrorPromptSize: equ $-CreateErrorPrompt
ArgCErrorPrompt: db 'Please use $myeditor filename',10
ArgCErrorPromptSize: equ $-ArgCErrorPrompt
inputBufferSize: equ 84 ; the buffer size (in .bss section)
section .bss
inputBuffer: resb 84 ; Buffer to read file in
filePointer: resb 4 ; pointer for the file
fileDescriptor: resb 1 ; pointer for descriptor
section .text
global _start
pop ebx ; argc (argCount)
cmp ebx,2 ; make sure arguments are two
jne ArgCError ; jump to ArgCError
pop ebx ; name of the program
pop ebx ; name of the file
cmp ebx,0 ; make sure entered falid file name
jbe ArgCError ; print error if not valid
mov [filePointer],ebx ; put file pointer
mov eax,3 ; system call for read
mov ebx,0 ; read from stdin
mov ecx,inputBuffer ; read in input buffer
mov edx,inputBufferSize ; set input size
int 80h ; call the kernel
jmp OpenTheFile
mov eax,5 ; system call for open
mov ebx,[filePointer] ; put file pointer
mov ecx,2 ; 0_RDWR
int 80h ; call the kernel
cmp eax,0 ; check if opened succefully
jle CreateTheFile ; Try to create
mov [fileDescriptor],eax ; put file descriptor
jmp fileOpened
mov eax,8 ; system call for creat
mov ebx,[filePointer] ; put file pointer
mov ecx,0700 ; access rights -rwxr-xr-x
int 80h ; call the kernel
cmp eax,0 ; check if file was created
jle errorCreating ;error creating file
mov [fileDescriptor],eax ; put file descriptor
jmp fileOpened
mov eax,4 ; system call for write
mov ebx,[fileDescriptor] ; put file descriptor
mov ecx,inputBuffer ; write buffer
mov edx,inputBufferSize ; the size
int 80h ; call the kernel
mov eax,36 ;sys_sync
int 80h
jmp CloseBeforeExit ; exit
mov eax,4 ; system call for write
mov ebx,1 ; stdout
mov ecx,CreateErrorPrompt ; offset to write
mov edx,CreateErrorPromptSize ; length to be written
int 80h
jmp ExitProgram ; exit
mov eax,4 ; system call for write
mov ebx,1 ; stdout
mov ecx,ArgCErrorPrompt ; offset to write
mov edx,ArgCErrorPromptSize ; length to be written
int 80h
jmp ExitProgram ; exit
mov eax,6 ; system call for close
mov ebx,[fileDescriptor] ; put file descriptor
int 80h ; call the kernel
mov eax,1 ; The system call for exit (sys_exit)
mov ebx,0 ; Exit with return code of 0 (no error)
int 80h