np.where()没有返回numpy python中的预期索引

时间:2016-04-29 01:22:44

标签: python numpy

我有这个风速数据集,包括以m / s为单位的风速,我想计算时间序列中非零数据的周期。

  • 每个非零数据周期都算作一个“天气事件”。

  • 我还想知道这些事件在数据集中的位置(即索引)。


    System.out.println("You must type in the rules verbatim "+
        "(word for word, including punctuation), "+
        "as shown on the Student Hand-Out. "+
        "Capitalization does not matter.");
    int count = 1;
    for(int i = 0; i<=(rules.length-1); i++){
        System.out.print("Rule #"+count);
        String response = console.nextLine().replaceAll(" ","");
        if(response.replaceAll(" ", "").equalsIgnoreCase(rules[i].replaceAll(" ", ""))){
            System.out.println("WRONG\nThe correct wording is: "+rules[i]);

然而,我遇到# create mock data. d=np.zeros([209]) d1=np.random.randn(189) d2=np.zeros(9) d3=np.random.randn(281) d4=np.zeros(27) d5=np.random.randn(21) d6=np.zeros(155) d7=np.random.randn(58) mock_data=np.concatenate((d,d1,d2,d3,d4,d5,d6,d7),axis=0) indices=np.squeeze(np.array(np.where(mock_data!=0))) # Returns the position vector of every non-zero in the record. # create a vector to store the positions of the previous zero before each SAW event. dummy=np.zeros(0) for i in range(len(indices)): dummy=np.append(dummy,indices[i]-1) dummy=dummy.astype(int) dummy=np.int64(dummy) zerovalue=np.squeeze(np.array(np.where(mock_data[dummy]==0))) # Should return the position of the previous zero before each SAW event. # Add 1 to each value in zerovalue new_index=np.zeros(0) for i in range(len(zerovalue)): new_index=np.append(date_index,zerovalue[i]+1) 没有返回我期待的索引的问题。它不是返回指示非零数据组的第一个值所在的索引,而是返回看似随机的索引。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


  1. 你不需要挤压阵容;只需从where结果中提取第一个元素:

    indices = np.where(mock_data)[0]
    # array([209, 210, 211, 212, 213, ... 945, 946, 947, 948])
  2. NumPy可以进行矢量化计算,因此您不需要循环来创建dummy

    dummy = indices - 1
  3. 对于zero_value,你也可以省略挤压和数组转换;但是这次你想要零元素,所以比较必须保持:

    zerovalue = np.where(mock_data[dummy] == 0)[0]
    # array([  0, 189, 470, 491])
  4. NumPy再次对您的计算进行矢量化:

    new_index = zerovalue + 1
  5. 现在解释一下,也许你会发现它出错的地方:

    • indices是你测量风的点。
    • dummy是你再次测量风的前一天(没有风的最后一天)
    • zerovalue是测量风的累积天数(您可以检查在没有可测风的情况下开始测量风的指数)。因为你在风中停下来,最终会忽视风的最后几天。


    mock_data != 0 # boolean array where you measured wind
    np.diff(mock_data != 0) # boolean array which has True between no-wind and wind.
    np.where(np.diff(mock_data != 0))[0] # array with indexes where it changed
    # array([208, 397, 406, 687, 714, 735, 890], dtype=int64)


    np.where(np.diff(mock_data != 0))[0][0::2]
    # array([208, 406, 714, 890], dtype=int64)


    np.where(np.diff(mock_data != 0))[0][0::2] + 1 # with the +1
    # array([209, 407, 715, 891], dtype=int64)


    np.where(np.diff(mock_data != 0))[0][1::2] + 1
    # array([398, 688, 736], dtype=int64)