
时间:2016-04-28 16:13:27

标签: python nameerror


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 16, in <module>
    if pets == "y":
NameError: name 'pets' is not defined


print "So, how are you doing today?"
emotion = raw_input()

if "Good" in emotion:
    print "Cool! I love when people are \"good\"! It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. ^-^"
    print "Do you have any pets? y/n."
    pets = raw_input()

if pets == "y":
    print "Awesome! I have always wanted a pet! What kind do you have? What does it look like?"
    pet_type = raw_input()

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


print "So, how are you doing today?"
emotion = raw_input()
pets = "n" #here

if "Good" in emotion:
    print "Cool! I love when people are \"good\"! It makes me feel all fuzzy inside. ^-^"
    print "Do you have any pets? y/n."
    pets = raw_input()

if pets == "y":
    print "Awesome! I have always wanted a pet! What kind do you have? What does it look like?"
    pet_type = raw_input()