
时间:2016-04-28 02:27:36

标签: assembly x86 shift carryflag irvine16





    call crlf
    mov si, offset programOne
    mov cx, programOneLen
    call putStrng       ;displays 'Program by Joe Remaklus'

    call crlf
    call crlf

    call inputVal   ;prompt for hex input
    call putBin ;display the value in AX as binary
    call crlf
    call calcYear   ;display the year of the first 7 binary digits.
    mov si, offset slash
    mov cx, slashLen
    call putStrng
    call calcMonth  ;display the month of the next 4 binary digits.
    mov si, offset slash
    mov cx, slashLen
    call putStrng
    call calcDay    ;display the day of the next 5 binary digits.
    call crlf

    call inputVal
    call putBin

    mov ah,04c
    int 021

prompt db 'Enter a 4-digit hex value'

lenPrompt = $-prompt


    push si, cx

    mov  si, offset prompt

    mov  cx, lenPrompt

    call putStrng

    call crlf

    call getHex

    call crlf

    pop  cx, si



    push ax, cx, dx

    mov  cx, 16     ;number of bits to display


    mov  dl, '0'        ;assume bit to display is zero

    shl  ax, 1      ;shift bit to display into Carry Flag

    jnc  putBinSkipInc  ;if the top bit was zero skip the inc

    inc  dl         ;else inc DL to '1'


    call putChar        ;display the character in DL

    loop putBinLoopTop  ;continue until 16 bits are displayed

    pop  dx, cx, ax



    mov year, 0

    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul onetwoeight
    add year, si
    mov si, 0 

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul sixfour
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul threetwo
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul sixteen
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul eight
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul four
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul two
    add year, si
    mov si, 0

    shl ax, 1
    adc si, 0
    iMul one
    add year, si
    mov si, year
    add si, 1980
    call putPos

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果我理解正确的话,那么在你输入你的" ax"在二进制中看起来像这样: yyyy yyym mmmd dddd

并且您想要将值提取回普通数字。 我想我可以理解你的想法" calcYear"但是我很抱歉没有费心去尝试完全理解它并修复它。如果您仍然很好奇,只需使用调试器单步执行每条指令并查看它向南的位置。



    ; ax is encoded as this: yyyy yyym mmmd dddd
    push ax
    push ax ; store the encoded value at stack twice
    ; extract "day" value
    and ax,01Fh  ;only "d" bits will survive
    mov [day],ax
    ; extract "month" value
    pop ax ; restore encoded input
    shr ax,5 ; shift ax by number of "d" bits
    and ax,0Fh ; only shifted "m" bits
    mov [month],ax
    ; extract "year" value
    pop ax ; restore encoded input
    shr ax,5+4 ; shift ax by number of "d" and "m" bits
    ; no need to "and", as "shr" did fill upper bits by zeroes
    add ax,1980 ; so "0" encoded year is 1980? (deducted from OP source)
    mov [year],ax

我希望这会给你一些新的想法,如何使用特定的数字位。请注意and/or可以掩盖您感兴趣的内容,shr/sar/sal/shl/ror/rol/rcr/...可以将其置于理想的位置。可以使用xor对结果进行某种修补(如果需要),test就像and但是只获得标志寄存器更新,然后还有一些比特导向的x386 +(或486? )指令,有些"高级"并且可以为您节省我之前提到的那些基础知识的2-3个指令组合。所以你可以放心地忽略它们,只要你完全理解那些基本的并且可以根据需要用它们弯曲任何东西。