import tkMessageBox
import turtle
def main () :
SetTimer() #call for the function to setup the timer, you can call this function when certain conditions are met rather than at startup.
def SetTimer():
canvas = turtle.getcanvas() #get current turtle canvas to set the after call on.
canvas.after(2000, CalledAfter2000ms, canvas) #first parameter specifies time in miliseconds to wait before the call to CalledAfter2000ms function which is in the second paramater, the third paramater here is the paramater im passing to the CalledAfter2000ms function.
def CalledAfter2000ms(canvas): #function passed to canvas.after(...)
if tkMessageBox.askyesno("EXIT","Do you really want to exit?"): #if yes is pressed, True is returned, if no is pressed then False is returned.
turtle.bye() #exits the application
$(document).on("click", "#tombolvalidasi", function() {
var pil = <?php echo $_GET['pilih']; ?>;
var r = confirm("Validasi Pesanan?");
if (r == true)
type: "GET",
url: host+'/skripsi3/web/validasipesan.php',
data: { "id": pil},
success: function (data){
if (data == "success") {
window.location = "pesanvalid.php?pilih="+pil;
error: function (e) {
希望有人能告诉我我的代码有什么问题。谢谢你们 祝你今天愉快!!干杯!!