
时间:2016-04-26 11:22:21

标签: sql sql-server tsql



I have reflected about it and I don't know where to begin

id    ||  value     || category   || differences 
 1    ||  test      || 1          || 4
 2    ||  testing  || 1          || null   
11    ||  candy     || 2          || -3       
12    ||  ca        || 2          || null      


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我认为你所寻找的是edit difference的衡量标准,而不仅仅是计算前缀相似度,其中有一些常见的算法。 Levenshtein's method是我之前使用的,我已经看到它实现为TSQL函数。 this SO question的答案提出了TSQL中的一些实现,您可能只能按原样使用它们。

(虽然花时间测试代码并理解方法,而不仅仅是复制代码并使用它,以便在出现问题时你可以理解输出 - 否则你可能会产生一些技术债务你以后必须还钱吗?


答案 1 :(得分:0)


select t.id, t.value, t.category,
       (len(lead(value) over (partition by t.category order by t.id) -
       ) as difference
from t;

答案 2 :(得分:0)

create table #temp
id int,
value varchar(30),
category int

insert into #temp
select 1,'test',1
union all
select 2,'testing',1
union all
select 1,'Candy',2
union all
select 2,'Ca',2

;with cte
select id,value,category,lead(value) over (partition by category order by id) as nxtvalue
from #temp
select id,value,category,len(replace(nxtvalue,value,'')) as differences
from cte

答案 3 :(得分:0)


  id, value, category,
  case when value like next_value + '%' or next_value like value + '%' 
       then len(next_value) - len(value)
  end as differences
  select id, value, category, lead(value) over (order by id) as next_value 
  from mytable
) this_and_next;


lead(value) over (partition by category order by id)

更新:请参阅SQL Server LEN上的 DhruvJoshi的答案。正如我所假设的那样,这个函数不计算尾随空白,所以你需要他的技巧以防你想要计算它们。以下是LEN确认此行为的文档:https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190329(v=sql.105).aspx

答案 4 :(得分:-1)


--create table tbl (id int,  value nvarchar(100), category int);
--insert into tbl values
--,(2,N' testing',1)
select A.*, LEN(B.value)-LEN(A.value) as difference
from tbl A LEFT JOIN tbl B on A.id +1 =B.id and A.category=B.category
--drop table tbl

更新:我注意到你最后奇怪地定位了这个空间。 SQL Server大多数时候在计算长度时不计算尾随空格。所以这是上面查询的黑客

select A.*, LEN(B.value+'>')-LEN(A.value+'>') as difference
from tbl A LEFT JOIN tbl B on A.id +1 =B.id and A.category=B.category

正如评论中所指出的,在这种情况下,Id可能不会是连续的 试试这个:

create table #temp ( rownum int PRIMARY KEY IDENTITY(1,1), id int, value nvarchar(100), category int)
insert into #temp (id, value, category)
select id, value, category from tbl order by id asc

    select A.id, A.value, A.category, LEN(B.value+'>')-LEN(A.value+'>') as difference
    from #temp A LEFT JOIN #temp B on A.rownum +1 =B.rownum and A.category=B.category