我的脚本通过文本挖掘文件构造一个对象,然后将其输出为LookupTable.csv。 .CSV的第一列包含从.TXT文件读取的第二行。第二列包含文件的原始名称。
例如,值“-696706651--001”显示为“-696706651--1”,即使.TXT中的第二行是“-696706651--001”。似乎这主要/仅在我尝试提取的唯一值在其前面有“ - ”时发生,即“700111651--001”在我的输出中正确显示为“700111651--001”.CSV。< / p>
# Construct an out-array to use for data export
$OutArray = @()
# Import CSV containing location of TXT files to search (the 2nd line is retrieved from each file).
$Files = Import-CSV 'C:\Data\PROJECTS\SearchDocs.csv' -Header ("TxtName","PdfName")
ForEach($file in $Files)
# Look at second line of the text file and pass it to newName
$newName = Get-Content -Path $file.TxtName | Select-Object -Index 1
# suffix .pdf to newName
$newName2 = $newName + ".pdf"
# Rename the file using the second line found in the file
Rename-Item $file.PdfName $newName2
#Construct an object for the export
$myobj = "" | Select "fileID","Title"
#fill the object
$myobj.fileID = $newName # This value does not always match the text read
$myobj.Title = $file.PdfName
#Add the object to the out-array
$outarray += $myobj
#Wipe the object just to be sure
$myobj = $null
#After the loop, export the array to CSV
$outarray | export-csv "C:\Data\PROJECTS\LookupTable.csv"