我正在尝试创建一个递归算法,以解决" Knight的旅程"基于国际象棋的谜语,你试图用骑士一次访问棋盘的每个空间。每次骑士应该再次移动时,我的代码使用递归来分割成每个可能的下一个移动,但是我遇到一个错误,骑士不会移动一圈,然后继续下一个回合。这是我的代码:
def recursivePlay(board, knightSpot, myMoves):
if(len(board) == 63):
print("FOUND IT\n")
print("the seed is: ")
for i in range(8):
moving = bash(i)
x = moving.x + knightSpot.x
y = moving.y + knightSpot.y
if(not(steppedOn(board,x,y)) and validMove(knightSpot,x,y)):
knightSpot = Spot(x,y)
def bash(num):
if(num < 4):
num += 2
return Spot(2*((-1)**int(num/2)), (-1)**int(num))
num -= 2
return Spot((-1)**int(num), 2*((-1)**int(num/2)))
def validMove(knightSpot, x, y):
tempx = knightSpot.x
tempy = knightSpot.y
if(tempx == x and tempy == y):
return False
if(abs(tempx-x) == 2):
return (abs(tempy-y) == 1)
if(abs(tempy-y) == 2):
return (abs(tempx-x) == 1)
def steppedOn(myList, mySpotX, mySpotY):
if(mySpotX < 0 or mySpotX > 7 or mySpotY < 0 or mySpotY > 7):
return True
check = False
for i in myList:
if(i.compare(mySpotX, mySpotY)):
check = True
return check
class Spot(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return ("{"+str(self.x)+", "+str(self.y)+"}")
def compare(self, compx, compy):
return self.x == compx and self.y == compy
the seed is:
[2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 4, 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 6, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 4,
2, 0, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2, 0, 2, 5, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 5, 3, 1, 3, 1, 7, 2, 0, 2,
6, 6, 4, 0, 1, 0, 5, 1, 6, 3]
Spaces visited:
[{0, 0}, {2, 1}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}, {0, 4}, {2, 5}, {0, 6}, {2, 7}, {4, 6},
{6, 7}, {7, 5}, {5, 6}, {3, 7}, {1, 6}, {3, 5}, {1, 4}, {3, 3}, {1, 2}, {3, 1},
{1, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 3}, {2, 4}, {0, 5}, {2, 6}, {0, 7}, {1, 5}, {3, 6}, {3, 6},
{5, 5}, {3, 4}, {1, 3}, {3, 2}, {1, 1}, {3, 0}, {5, 1}, {7, 2}, {5, 3}, {7, 4},
{6, 2}, {4, 3}, {6, 4}, {4, 5}, {6, 6}, {6, 6}, {5, 4}, {7, 3}, {5, 2}, {7, 1},
{5, 0}, {4, 2}, {6, 3}, {4, 4}, {6, 5}, {6, 5}, {5, 2}, {6, 0}, {4, 1}, {2, 0},
{7, 3}, {6, 1}, {4, 5}, {5, 7}]
正如你所看到的那样,它在第5行第5点重复访问的空间,第6行第5点访问了空格。 bash
答案 0 :(得分:0)
主要问题是你没有正确处理递归 - 你设置临时状态并重复但不处理潜在的递归失败并在尝试另一种可能性之前展开临时状态。这就是为什么你累积重复并因全长而过早退出的原因。我已经重新编写了代码,但是阅读了关于更大问题的注释:
def recursivePlay(layout, board, knightSpot, moves):
if len(board) == layout.x * layout.y - 1:
return True
for i in range(8):
newSpot = bash(i)
newSpot.x += knightSpot.x
newSpot.y += knightSpot.y
if not steppedOn(board, newSpot) and validMove(layout, knightSpot, newSpot):
knightSpot = newSpot
if recursivePlay(layout, board, knightSpot, moves):
return True
knightSpot = board.pop()
return False
def bash(num):
if num < 4:
num += 2
return Spot(2 * (-1)**(num // 2), (-1)**num)
num -= 2
return Spot((-1)**num, 2 * (-1)**(num // 2))
def validMove(layout, knightSpot, spot):
if spot.x < 0 or spot.x >= layout.x or spot.y < 0 or spot.y >= layout.y:
return False
if abs(knightSpot.x - spot.x) == 2:
return abs(knightSpot.y - spot.y) == 1
if abs(knightSpot.y - spot.y) == 2:
return abs(knightSpot.x - spot.x) == 1
return False
def steppedOn(used_spots, spot):
for used_spot in used_spots:
if used_spot == spot:
return True
return False
class Spot(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def __repr__(self):
return "{" + str(self.x) + ", " + str(self.y) + "}"
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y
myMoves = []
myBoard = []
myLayout = Spot(5, 5)
if recursivePlay(myLayout, myBoard, Spot(0, 0), myMoves):
print("FOUND IT FOR", myLayout, "\n")
print("the seed is: ")
print(myMoves, "\n")
我添加了指定电路板尺寸的功能。您的解决方案是强力。如果您阅读Wikipedia article on Knight's Tour,特别是brute-force algorithms,您会发现您不能指望此代码会在短时间内返回8 x 8电路板的结果。我已经将代码集留给了一个5 x 5的板,你的算法可以快速解决,你可以通过耐心允许和/或你添加启发式来增加它。