I have a simple union type of string literals and need to check it's validity because of FFI calls to "normal" Javascript. Is there a way to ensure that a certain variable is an instance of any of those literal strings at runtime? Something along the lines of
type MyStrings = "A" | "B" | "C";
MyStrings.isAssignable("A"); // true
MyStrings.isAssignable("D"); // false
答案 0 :(得分:16)
从Typescript 2.1开始,你可以用with the keyof
// Values of this dictionary are irrelevant
const myStrings = {
A: "",
B: ""
type MyStrings = keyof typeof myStrings;
isMyStrings(x: string): x is MyStrings {
return myStrings.hasOwnProperty(x);
const a: string = "A";
// ... Use a as if it were typed MyString from assignment within this block: the TypeScript compiler trusts our duck typing!
答案 1 :(得分:13)
从Typescript 3.8.3开始,没有明确的最佳实践。似乎有三种不依赖于外部库的解决方案。在所有情况下,您都需要将字符串存储在运行时可用的对象中(例如数组)。
对于这些示例,假设我们需要一个函数来在运行时验证字符串是否为任何规范的绵羊名,我们都知道它们是Capn Frisky
,Mr. Snugs
const sheepNames = ['Capn Frisky', 'Mr. Snugs', 'Lambchop'] as const;
type SheepName = typeof sheepNames[number]; // "Capn Frisky" | "Mr. Snugs" | "Lambchop"
// This string will be read at runtime: the TS compiler can't know if it's a SheepName.
const unsafeJson = '"Capn Frisky"';
* Return a valid SheepName from a JSON-encoded string or throw.
function parseSheepName(jsonString: string): SheepName {
const maybeSheepName: unknown = JSON.parse(jsonString);
// This if statement verifies that `maybeSheepName` is in `sheepNames` so
// we can feel good about using a type assertion below.
if (typeof maybeSheepName === 'string' && maybeSheepName in sheepNames) {
return (maybeSheepName as SheepName); // type assertion satisfies compiler
throw new Error('That is not a sheep name.');
const definitelySheepName = parseSheepName(unsafeJson);
CON :易碎。 Typescript只是在说您的话,您已经充分验证了maybeSheepName
const sheepNames = ['Capn Frisky', 'Mr. Snugs', 'Lambchop'] as const;
type SheepName = typeof sheepNames[number];
const unsafeJson = '"Capn Frisky"';
* Define a custom type guard to assert whether an unknown object is a SheepName.
function isSheepName(maybeSheepName: unknown): maybeSheepName is SheepName {
return typeof maybeSheepName === 'string' && maybeSheepName in sheepNames;
* Return a valid SheepName from a JSON-encoded string or throw.
function parseSheepName(jsonString: string): SheepName {
const maybeSheepName: unknown = JSON.parse(jsonString);
if (isSheepName(maybeSheepName)) {
// Our custom type guard asserts that this is a SheepName so TS is happy.
return (maybeSheepName as SheepName);
throw new Error('That is not a sheep name.');
const definitelySheepName = parseSheepName(unsafeJson);
CON :打字稿仍然只是一字不漏。看起来很简单,所以需要很多代码。
const sheepNames = ['Capn Frisky', 'Mr. Snugs', 'Lambchop'] as const;
type SheepName = typeof sheepNames[number];
const unsafeJson = '"Capn Frisky"';
* Return a valid SheepName from a JSON-encoded string or throw.
function parseSheepName(jsonString: string): SheepName {
const maybeSheepName: unknown = JSON.parse(jsonString);
const sheepName = sheepNames.find((validName) => validName === maybeSheepName);
if (sheepName) {
// `sheepName` comes from the list of `sheepNames` so the compiler is happy.
return sheepName;
throw new Error('That is not a sheep name.');
const definitelySheepName = parseSheepName(unsafeJson);
CON :看起来有点奇怪。优化性能很难。
答案 2 :(得分:5)
函数来一起生成其静态类型和类型检查方法。 / p>
// TypeScript will infer a string union type from the literal values passed to
// this function. Without `extends string`, it would instead generalize them
// to the common string type.
export const StringUnion = <UnionType extends string>(...values: UnionType[]) => {
const valueSet: Set<string> = new Set(values);
const guard = (value: string): value is UnionType => {
return valueSet.has(value);
const check = (value: string): UnionType => {
if (!guard(value)) {
const actual = JSON.stringify(value);
const expected = values.map(s => JSON.stringify(s)).join(' | ');
throw new TypeError(`Value '${actual}' is not assignable to type '${expected}'.`);
return value;
const unionNamespace = {guard, check, values};
return Object.freeze(unionNamespace as typeof unionNamespace & {type: UnionType});
const Race = StringUnion(
"night elf",
type Race = typeof Race.type;
类型的工作原理与我们通常用"orc" | "human" | "night elf" | "undead"
函数,该函数返回值是否是联合的成员并且可以用作type guard,还有一个.check(...)
let r: Race;
const zerg = "zerg";
// Compile-time error:
// error TS2322: Type '"zerg"' is not assignable to type '"orc" | "human" | "night elf" | "undead"'.
r = zerg;
// Run-time error:
// TypeError: Value '"zerg"' is not assignable to type '"orc" | "human" | "night elf" | "undead"'.
r = Race.check(zerg);
// Not executed:
if (Race.guard(zerg)) {
r = zerg;
此方法基于the runtypes library,该方法提供了类似的功能,用于在TypeScript中定义几乎所有类型并自动获取运行时类型检查器。对于这种特定情况,它会有些冗长,但是如果需要更灵活的方法,可以考虑进行检查。
import {Union, Literal, Static} from 'runtypes';
const Race = Union(
Literal('night elf'),
type Race = Static<typeof Race>;
答案 3 :(得分:4)
您可以使用jQuery('.featured li a').on( "click", function() {
var currentHref = this.href;
jQuery(".featured li a").each(function() {
if (this.href == currentHref) {
} else {
答案 4 :(得分:3)
const MyStringsArray = ["A", "B", "C"] as const;
MyStringsArray.includes("A" as any); // true
MyStringsArray.includes("D" as any); // false
type MyStrings = typeof MyStringsArray[number];
let test: MyStrings;
test = "A"; // OK
test = "D"; // compile error
答案 5 :(得分:2)
using type
is just Type Aliasing and it will not be present in the compiled javascript code, because of that you can not really do:
What you can do with it:
type MyStrings = "A" | "B" | "C";
let myString: MyStrings = getString();
switch (myString) {
case "A":
case "B":
case "C":
throw new Error("can only receive A, B or C")
As for you question about isAssignable
, you can:
function isAssignable(str: MyStrings): boolean {
return str === "A" || str === "B" || str === "C";
答案 6 :(得分:1)
const myFirstStrings = ["A", "B", "C"] as const;
type MyFirst = typeof myFirstStrings[number];
const mySecondStrings = ["D", "E", "F"] as const;
type MySecond = typeof mySecondStrings[number];
type MyStrings = MyFirst | MySecond;
const myFirstChecker: Set<string> = new Set(myFirstStrings);
function isFirst(name: MyStrings): name is MyFirst {
return myFirstChecker.has(name);
此解决方案比其他答案中建议的使用 Array.find
答案 7 :(得分:0)
MyStrings.isAssignable("A"); // Won't work — `MyStrings` is a string literal
function isMyString(candidate: string): candidate is MyStrings {
return ["A", "B", "C"].includes(candidate);
答案 8 :(得分:0)
基于@jtschoonhoven 最安全的解决方案,可以编写通用工厂来生成解析或验证函数:
const parseUnionFactory = <RawType, T extends RawType>(values: readonly T[]): ((raw: RawType) => T | null) => {
return (raw: RawType): T => {
const found = values.find((test) => test === raw)
if (found) {
return found
throw new InvalidUnionValueError(values, raw)
const sheepNames = ['Capn Frisky', 'Mr. Snugs', 'Lambchop'] as const
type SheepName = typeof sheepNames[number]
const parseSheepName = parseUnionFactory(sheepNames)
let imaSheep: SheepName = parseSheepName('Lampchop') // Valid
let thisllThrow: SheepName = parseSheepName('Donatello') // Will throw error
这里的弱点是确保我们的类型与 parseUnionFactory
答案 9 :(得分:0)
这方面的一个好处是,每次向联合添加/删除较新的类型时,TS 编译器也会抱怨更新对象。
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/Users/someuser/Library/Android/sdk/ndk/21.1.6352462/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include/bits/fortify/string.h:62: error: undefined reference to 'memcpy', version 'GLIBC_2.2.5'
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
type MyStrings = "A" | "B" | "C";
type MyStringsObjectType = {
[key in MyStrings ] : any
export const myStringsDummyObject : MyStringsObjectType = {
A : "",
B : "",
C : "",
export const isAssignable = (type: string):type is MyStrings => {
return (type in myStringsDummyObject)