
时间:2016-04-24 21:10:44

标签: arrays recursion f# pattern-matching calculator


open System

let main argv = 
printfn "%A" argv

let Add x y = x + y
let Sub x y = x - y
let Div x y = x * y
let Mul x y = x / y

printfn "1 > Calculator \n2 > Load from txt file"

let chosenIn = Console.ReadLine();

//This is where I need to do the operation and after call the sum function 
//again until there's only one element left in the number array
let rec sum num (numArray : int[]) sym (symArray : string[]) () =

let rec calc () = 
    printfn "Enter Sum"
    let input = Console.ReadLine()
    let intInput = input.Split()
    let numArray = [|for num in intInput do
                        let v , vp = System.Int32.TryParse(num)
                        if v then yield vp|]

    let symbolArray = [|for symbol in intInput do
                        match symbol with 
                        | "+" -> yield symbol
                        | "-" -> yield symbol
                        | "/" -> yield symbol
                        | "*" -> yield symbol
                        | _ -> ignore 0|]


match chosenIn with
| "1" -> calc()
| "2" -> printfn "File"
| _ -> printfn "Invalid"

0 // return an integer exit code

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在回答@Liam Donnelly回答他自己的问题时:我会抛开诸如“这是解决问题的最佳方法”之类的问题,只是评论如何更好地编写您目前拥有的代码。


let newNumArray = Array.append [| result |] numArray.[2..]


let rec sum2 (numArray : int list) (symArray : string list)  =
    let newNum, newSym = 
        match numArray with
        | [] -> failwith "No numbers left to process"
        | arg1 :: [] -> failwith "There's only one number left to process"
        | arg1 :: arg2 :: args -> 
            match symArray with
            | op1 :: ops ->
                let result = 
                    match op1 with
                    | "+" -> Add arg1 arg2
                    | "-" -> Sub arg1 arg2
                    | "*" -> Mul arg1 arg2
                    | _ -> failwithf "Operator not recognized: '%s'" op1
                // Return the result, concatenate the non-processed 
                // numbers. Return the non-processed operators
                result :: args, ops
            | _ -> failwith "I've run out of operators?"


如果您使用列表(即F#列表),您可以通过headlet newSymArray = symArray.Head直接访问索引1处的元素或使用List.head

每次看到自己在F#中编写for循环时,请退后一步。它们编写起来很麻烦且容易出错。 F#库函数涵盖了大多数典型的循环用例,因此请仔细阅读。通过执行以下操作可以缩短您的打印循环次数:

|> Seq.iter (printfn "%i")

答案 1 :(得分:0)


let rec sum (numArray : int[]) (symArray : string[])  =
    let result = match symArray.[0] with
                 | "+" -> Add numArray.[0] numArray.[1]
                 | "-" -> Sub numArray.[0] numArray.[1]
                 | "*" -> Mul numArray.[0] numArray.[1]
                 | _ -> 0

    let newNumArray = [|
                        for i = 0 to numArray.Length - 1 do
                            if i = 0 then yield result
                            if i > 1 then yield numArray.[i]|]

    let newSymArray = [|
                        for i = 0 to symArray.Length - 1 do
                            if i > 0 then yield symArray.[i]|]

    if newNumArray.Length > 1 then
        sum newNumArray newSymArray
        for i = 0 to newNumArray.Length - 1 do
            printfn "%i" (newNumArray.[i])