package body TestMyApp is
use type Base_Types.Natural16;
use type Base_Types.Integer32;
use type C.Strings.Chars_Ptr;
use type C.Size_T;
-- Error Messages length should be limited by upper bound 'Err_Msg_Max_Len'
Err_Msg_Max_Length : constant C.Size_T := 100;
Glb_C_Err_Msg_String : aliased C.Char_Array := (1..(Err_Msg_Max_Length + 1) => C.nul);
function Fixed_String_To_Chr_Ptr (Source_String : String;
Trim_For_Whitespaces : Boolean) return C.Strings.Chars_Ptr is
Ptr : C.Strings.Chars_Ptr := C.Strings.Null_Ptr;
Elem_Copied_Count : C.Size_T := 0;
-- Reset each character in Glb_C_Err_Msg_String array to nul
Glb_C_Err_Msg_String := (1..(Err_Msg_Max_Length + 1) => C.nul);
-- Check whether source string is of acceptable length
if Source_String'Length <= Natural(Err_Msg_Max_Length) then
if Trim_For_Whitespaces = True then
-- Copy fixed string elements into char_array with
-- source string's both side trimmed for whitespaces
C.To_C(Item => Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim(Source => Source_String, Side => Ada.Strings.Both),
Target => Glb_C_Err_Msg_String,
Count => Elem_Copied_Count,
Append_Nul => True);
-- Copy fixed string elements into char_array
C.To_C(Item => Source_String,
Target => Glb_C_Err_Msg_String,
Count => Elem_Copied_Count,
Append_Nul => True);
end if;
-- Convert char_array into char_ptr
Ptr := C.Strings.To_Chars_Ptr(Item => Glb_C_Err_Msg_String'Access,
Nul_Check => True);
Ptr := C.Strings.Null_Ptr;
end if;
-- Return the char_ptr
return Ptr;
end Fixed_String_To_Chr_Ptr;
end TestMyApp;
在 VectorCast-Ada 中进行单元测试时,如果字符串(Source_String)的长度传递给函数 Fixed_String_To_Chr_Ptr( )小于或等于100 (Err_Msg_Max_Length),函数正确执行,如果条件如下:
if Source_String'Length <= Natural(Err_Msg_Max_Length) then
被正确评估为True。但奇怪的是,如果传递给函数 Fixed_String_To_Chr_Ptr()的字符串(Source_String)的长度大于100 (Err_Msg_Max_Length),函数仍然 TRUE 将上述条件评估为true,因为字符串的长度大于 Err_Msg_Max_Length ,所以根本不会发生这种情况。在调试时,观察到即使传递给函数 Fixed_String_To_Chr_Ptr()的字符串(Source_String)的长度大于100,内部函数也是限制/修剪它的长度只有100 **(Err_Msg_Max_Length)**。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
-- Check whether source string is of acceptable length
if Source_String'Length <= Natural (Err_Msg_Max_Length) then
Trim ( ); -- to make it easier to see what is actually going on here
else -- personally, I don't see a point in this else statement
Ptr := C.Strings.Null_Ptr;
end if;
因此,如果您的Source_String长于Err_Msg_Max_Length,Ptr将被取消(并且在返回之后)。有点奇怪,如果你问我 - 我会理解修剪前100个字符或类似的东西,但完全放弃了消息?
PS:Source_String'Length&gt;条件不能成立100 ...如果是,那么有一些奇怪的错误 - 可能在编译器中。你确定你的'长度&gt; 100?