
时间:2016-04-22 22:19:03

标签: php mysql database


class DB_Sql {
var $Host     = "localhost"; // Hostname of our MySQL server.
var $Database = "my_database"; // Logical database name on that server.
var $User     = "user"; // User und Password for login.
var $Password = "";

var $Link_ID  = 0;  // Result of mysql_connect().
var $Query_ID = 0;  // Result of most recent mysql_query().
var $Record   = array();  // current mysql_fetch_array()-result.
var $Row;           // current row number.

var $Errno    = 0;  // error state of query...
var $Error    = "";
var $num_queries = 0;

function halt($msg) {
    printf("</td></tr></table><b>Database error:</b> %s<br />\n", $msg);
    printf("<b>MySQL Error</b>: %s (%s)<br />\n",
    die("Session halted.");

function connect($thehost, $thedb, $theuser, $thepwd) {

    if ( 0 == $this->Link_ID ) {
        $this->Link_ID=mysql_connect($this->Host, $this->User, $this->Password);
        if (!$this->Link_ID) {
            $this->halt("Link-ID == false, connect failed");
            return false;
        if (!mysql_query(sprintf("use %s",$this->Database),$this->Link_ID)) {
            $this->halt("cannot use database ".$this->Database);
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

function free_result($query_id=-1) {
    if ($query_id!=-1) {

function fetch_array($query_id=-1,$query_string="") {
    if ($query_id!=-1) {
    if ( isset($this->query_id) ) {
        $this->record = mysql_fetch_array($this->query_id);
    } else {
        if ( !empty($query_string) ) {
            $this->halt("Invalid query id (".$this->query_id.") on this query: $query_string");
        } else {
            $this->halt("Invalid query id ".$this->query_id." specified");
    return $this->record;

function query($Query_String) {
    //  $this->connect();
    #printf("<br /><font color=red><b>Debug: query = %s</b></font><br />", $Query_String); // Use for debugging
    $this->Query_ID = mysql_query($Query_String,$this->Link_ID);
    $this->Row   = 0;
    $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
    $this->Error = mysql_error();
    if (!$this->Query_ID) {
        $this->halt("Invalid SQL: ".$Query_String);
    return $this->Query_ID;

function next_record() {
    $this->Record = mysql_fetch_array($this->Query_ID);
    $this->Row   += 1;
    $this->Errno = mysql_errno();
    $this->Error = mysql_error();
    $stat = is_array($this->Record);
    if (!$stat) {
        $this->Query_ID = 0;
    return $stat;

function seek($pos) {
    $status = mysql_data_seek($this->Query_ID, $pos);
    if ($status)
    $this->Row = $pos;

function num_rows() {
    return mysql_num_rows($this->Query_ID);

function num_fields() {
    return mysql_num_fields($this->Query_ID);

function f($Name) {
    return $this->Record[$Name];

function p($Name) {
    print $this->Record[$Name];

function affected_rows() {
    return @mysql_affected_rows($this->Link_ID);

function get_temps() {
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($this->Query_ID)) {
        $templ[$row["id"]] = $row['con'];
    echo "$templ[1]<br />$templ[2]";

function get_temp() {
    return mysql_fetch_array($this->Query_ID);

function query_first($query_string) {
    // does a query and returns first row
    $query_id = $this->query($query_string);
    $returnarray=$this->fetch_array($query_id, $query_string);
    return $returnarray;

function get_tables() {
    $tables = mysql_list_tables($this->Database);

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($tables)) {
        $return[] = "$row[0]";
    return $return;

function querySingle($query, $value) {
    return arrayValue($this->fetch_array($this->query($query)),$value);

function get_fields($table) {
    $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM $table");
    if (!$result) {
        $this->halt("Invalid SQL: Could not run query: " . mysql_error());
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0) {
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $return[] = $row['Field']."^".
            iif($row['Type'],$row['Type']." ")." ".
            iif($row['Null']==0,"NOT NULL ","NULL ")." ".
            //                  iif($row['Key'],$row['Key']." ")." ".
            "default '".$row['Default']."' ".
            iif($row['Extra'],$row['Extra']." ")."".

            iif(($row['Key'] == "PRI"), "*PRIMARY KEY (`".$row['Field']."`)").
            iif(($row['Key'] == "MUL"), "*KEY (`".$row['Field']."`)")
    return $return;

function sql_close()
        $result = @mysql_close($this->db_connect_id);
        return $result;
        return false;



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

1。不要使用mysql_ *。当主机移至PHP 7时,所有mysql_函数将不再可用。使用PDO系统或mysqli(其语法与mysql略有不同)





$db = new DB_Sql();
$result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM ".$table_prefix."users");//Or whatever your query is.
//Do what you need with the stuff.
