* Adds an item to the list. This method assumes that the list is already
* sorted in alphabetical order based on the names of the items in the list.
* The new item will be inserted into the list in the appropriate place so
* that the list will remain alphabetized by names.
* In order to accomodate the new item, the internal array must be re-sized
* so that it is one unit larger than it was before the call to this method.
* @param itemToAdd refers to a Listable item to be added to this list
public void add(Listable itemToAdd) {
int i;
Listable[] newItems = new Listable[items.length+1];
for(i=0; i<items.length;i++){
if(items[i].getName().compareTo(itemToAdd.getName()) < 0){
newItems[i] = items[i];
} else{
int str=i;
newItems[i+1] = items[i];
newItems[str] = itemToAdd;
我一直收到错误消息,指出预期的测试结果为&lt; 14&gt;但得到&lt; 0&gt;所以现在我认为这意味着它的构造函数就是问题所在:
* This constructor creates an empty list by creating an internal array
* of size 0. (Note that this is NOT the same thing as setting the internal
* instance variable to null.)
public SortedListOfImmutables() {
int i = 0;
items = new Listable[0];
//orders the list
for( i=0;i<items.length;i++){
if(Food.FOOD_OBJECTS[i].getName().compareTo(Food.FOOD_OBJECTS[i+1].getName()) < 0){
items[i] = Food.FOOD_OBJECTS[i];
items[i+1] = Food.FOOD_OBJECTS[i];
答案 0 :(得分:0)
newItems[i+1] = items[i];
我只是使用示例列表来说明原因。让我们说我们的项目列表包含{apple,banana,orange,pineapple}。然后我们要插入&#34; grape&#34;应插入&#34; banana&#34;和&#34;橙&#34;。第一个for循环在断开之前会做3次迭代(将#34; apple&#34;和#34; banana&#34;放入newItems,然后在i = 2时断开)你指定str = 2这是索引&# 34;葡萄&#34;应插入。但是当插入剩余的元素时,你设置i = str + 1,在这种情况下为3,所以
newItems[i+1] = items[i];
将菠萝&#34;菠萝&#34;到newItems的索引4,这是正确的但你完全跳过将索引2中的内容(&#34; orange&#34;)放到索引3的newItems中。 要解决此问题,您要么:
newItems[i+1] = items[i];
newItems[i] = items[i-1];