Got a MySQL error (2013: Lost connection to MySQL server during query) on the following query: drop table scrape_allocations2
Got a MySQL error (2006: MySQL server has gone away) on the following query: drop table scrape_allocations2
起初我假设桌面上有某种锁,但是当我检查SHOW PROCESSLIST时,那里没有进程,SHOW OPEN TABLES没有in_use或name_locked。
def select_partition():
global results
''' This is the main method, which does the following:
1. Selects all unscraped partitions from the scrape list and checks for each partition whether
another scraper has already allocated it.
2. If a partition has not been allocated yet the scraper allocates the partition.
3. Fetches all users from the scrape list belonging to the partition. Then,
makes the HTTP request for each username. Finally, it processes the results of all requests.
4. Deallocates the partition, repeat steps 1-3.
5. If no partitions are left, the script stops. '''
partitions = execute_query('SELECT partitionID FROM scrape_{0} WHERE partitionID != 0 GROUP BY partitionID'.format(TYPE))
for partition in partitions:
allocated = execute_query('SELECT partitionID FROM scrape_allocations2 WHERE partitionID = {0}'.format(partition[0]))
if not allocated:
allocation = execute_query('INSERT INTO scrape_allocations2 VALUES ({0},\'{1}\',\'{2}\')'.format(partition[0],SCRAPER_NAME,datetime.datetime.now()))
if allocation:
print 'Selected and allocated partition {0}. Starting to fetch the skill data now. Total time spent so far: {1} seconds'.format(partition[0],str(round(time.time() - start_time,1)))
user_list = execute_query('SELECT userID, userName FROM scrape_{1} WHERE partitionID = {0}'.format(partition[0],TYPE))
if user_list:
execute_query('DELETE FROM scrape_allocations2 WHERE partitionID = {0}'.format(partition[0]),False)
results = []
count_fetch = 0
return True
print 'There are no more partitions to scrape. Stopping now.'
return False
def execute_query(query):
if query.split(' ')[0].upper() == 'SELECT':
return cursor.fetchall()
return True
except MySQLdb.Error, e:
try: print 'Got a MySQL error ({1}: {2}) on the following query: {0}'.format(query,e.args[0],e.args[1])
except IndexError: 'Got a MySQL error ({1}: {2}) on the following query: {0}'.format(query,e)
# Main loop
while things_to_do:
things_to_do = select_partition()
服务器版本:10.0.20-MariaDB-cll-lve - MariaDB服务器
数据库客户端版本:libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev