
时间:2016-04-22 06:58:47

标签: c algorithm math logic

Question 在一家跨国公司,员工被要求根据他们的身高排成一排。他们总是随意选择自己的位置来对经理不满。一天晚上,员工得知他们严格的经理从那天早上就秘密记录了他们的座位,并且他将在第二天早上检查他们的位置,以确保他们完全一样。



您将获得一个int [],其中第i个元素表示员工左侧高度为i的较高员工数(其中i为基于1的索引)。返回包含员工从左到右的高度的int []。


输入规格: 你的功能应该接受以下的输入: 输入1:n 输入2:n个整数的数组(左[])

输出规格: 你需要在行中从左到右返回包含员工高度的int []。

Example : 
input 1: 4 
input 2: {2,1,1,0} 

Output: {4,2,1,3} 

Employee of height 1 remembered there were 2 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 2 remembered there were 1 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 3 remembered there were 1 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 4 remembered there were no employees taller than him to his left. 

从左到右的原始顺序必须是4,2,1,3。这种排序满足所有四个条件。例如,员工左侧正好有两名员工,身高1比他高(身高4和2)。不同的顺序,如4,3,1,2,满足一些但不是全部的四个条件。 in this incorrect ordering, there are two employees to the left of employee with height 2 that are taller then him(height 4 and 3), but input states that there was only one.

My understanding: 如果我正确地理解了这个问题,

Input1 = 4 (Value of n is 4)
Input2 = {2, 1, 1, 0}, 
One of the output would be 4 2 1 3


The Employee1 has height 1 and there were 2 people left to him [4 2]
The Employee2 has height 2 and there was 1 people left to him [4]
The Employee3 has height 3 and there was 1 people left to him [1] but how? height 3 is taller than 1
The Employee4 has height 4 and there was 0 people left to him[No one is left of 4]

所以一个排序是4 2 1 3,它符合我们的条件。

但是当我们尝试使用4 3 1 2时,这也满足了所有条件。但我无法从解释中理解in this incorrect ordering, there are two employees to the left of employee with height 2 that are taller then him(height 4 and 3), but input states that there was only one. 但输入说,有2名员工留给他而不是一个...... 我对问题解释感到困惑。 如果我在任何地方出错,请帮助我。 因为对我来说4 3 2 1满足所有条件

  1. 员工3身高3,还剩1人[1]; Employee3比Employee1高,所以他怎么能在数组的末尾,如果我们看到谁是最高的人留给Employee3?
  2. 请帮我理解这个问题。一旦我理解了这一点,我就会为此编写逻辑。

    1. 这个问题与 you are given a int[], the ith element of which represents the number of taller employees to the left of the employee with height i

    2. 有什么关系
    3. 为什么不能4 3 1 2序列?

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




给你一个int [],其中第i个元素表示数字   高度为员工左侧的较高员工


Example : 
input 1: 4 
input 2: {2,1,1,0} 

并附有相应的解释 -

Employee of height 1 remembered there were 2 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 2 remembered there were 1 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 3 remembered there were 1 employees taller than him to his left. 
Employee of height 4 remembered there were no employees taller than him to his left.



Q.2)为什么4 3 1 2序列不可能?

输出应该是员工原始订单的高度。在4 3 1 2输出中,您将高度为2的员工放在最右侧的位置。从他的位置,他会看到两个人(身高4的员工和身高3的员工)比他左边高。但根据他记得的输入,他左边有一名比他高的雇员。因此,4 3 1 2不能是原始订单。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


The Employee3 has height 3 and there was 1 people left to him [1] but how? height 3 is taller than 1

您的上述陈述不正确。问题说How many people in your left side is taller than i number

Why 4 3 1 2 sequence is not possible?

这不是有效序列,因为 1 左侧有两个大于 1 的数字


答案 2 :(得分:0)


# input1 n = no. of employees 4
# input2 array of n elements  {2, 1, 1, 0}
# Output [4, 2, 1, 3]
# 0 [2, 1, 1, 0] [4, 2, 1, 3]
# 1 [2, 1, 1, 0] [4, 2, 1, 3]
# 2 [2, 1, 1, 0] [4, 2, 1, 3]
# 3 [2, 1, 1, 0] [4, 2, 1, 3]

import copy

def findLogic(temp, input2):
    for i, (k, v) in enumerate(zip(temp, input2)):
        count = 0
        if i == 0:
            countList = []
        j = i + 1
        #print(i, temp, input2)
        if j in input2:
            #print(i, temp, input2, input2.index(j))
            for l in range(input2.index(j), -1, -1):
                if l >= 0 and j <= (len(input2)-1):
                    if j < input2[l]:
                        count += 1
            if countList == temp:
                print("{", end="")
                for i in input2:
                    print(i, end="")
                    if input2.index(i) != len(input2) - 1:
                        print(",", end="")
                print("}", end="")
                return 1

def PlaceNumbs(input2, l, r, temp):
    if l == r:
        if findLogic(temp, input2):
    for i in range(l, r):
        input2[l], input2[i] = input2[i], input2[l]
        PlaceNumbs(input2, l + 1, r, temp)
        input2[l], input2[i] = input2[i], input2[l]

#def FinalOrder(n, input2):
def uniqueValue(input1,input2):
    n = input1
    temp = copy.deepcopy(input2)
    input3 = []
    for i in range(1, n+1):
    PlaceNumbs(input3, 0, n, temp)

uniqueValue(4, [2, 1, 1, 0])
uniqueValue(8, [1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])

答案 3 :(得分:0)





数组中的第一个元素表示更多员工的数量   在员工左侧,身高等于1.同样   第二个元素表示左侧更多员工的数量   高度等于2的员工,依此类推。

这是我在c ++中的代码


int* uniqueValue(int input1,int input2[])
    int *out = new int[input1];
     int i,j,k, count;

     for(i=0; i<input1; i++)
         out[i] = input1;

     for(i=0; i< (input1-1); i++)
         count = 0;

         for(j=0; j< (input1-1); j++)
             if(out[j] > (i+1))
             if(count == input2[i])
                 for(k = j+1; k<input1; k++)
                     if(out[k] == input1)
                         out[k] = i+1;
             else if(count > input2[i])
                 for(k = j; k<input1; k++)
                     if(out[k] == input1)
                         out[k] = i+1;

     return out;