
时间:2016-04-22 03:02:30

标签: python-3.x while-loop nested



firstNumber = int(input("Please enter the first number: "))
secondNumber = int(input("Please enter the second number: "))
count = 0
while(count < 1):
    print("{:17} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5}"\
      .format(firstNumber, firstNumber + 1, firstNumber + 2, firstNumber + 3,\
              firstNumber + 4, firstNumber + 5, firstNumber + 6, firstNumber\
              + 7, firstNumber + 8, firstNumber + 9))
    print("{:5} {:}".format(" ", "-"*65))
    count += 1
    counter = 0
    while(counter < 10):
        downSolution = firstNumber * secondNumber
        print("{:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5} {:5}"\
              .format(secondNumber, "|", downSolution,\
                  downSolution + secondNumber, downSolution +\
                  (secondNumber * 2), downSolution + (secondNumber * 3),\
                  downSolution + (secondNumber * 4), downSolution + \
                  (secondNumber * 5), downSolution + (secondNumber * 6),\
                  downSolution + (secondNumber * 7), downSolution + \
                  (secondNumber * 8), downSolution + (secondNumber * 9)))
        counter += 1
        secondNumber += 1


            5     6     7     8     9    10    11    12    13    14
 5 |        25    30    35    40    45    50    55    60    65    70
 6 |        30    36    42    48    54    60    66    72    78    84
 7 |        35    42    49    56    63    70    77    84    91    98
 8 |        40    48    56    64    72    80    88    96   104   112
 9 |        45    54    63    72    81    90    99   108   117   126
10 |        50    60    70    80    90   100   110   120   130   140
11 |        55    66    77    88    99   110   121   132   143   154
12 |        60    72    84    96   108   120   132   144   156   168
13 |        65    78    91   104   117   130   143   156   169   182
14 |        70    84    98   112   126   140   154   168   182   196


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 row = 1
 row_stop = 10
 while row != row_stop:
    print(row, end = " ") #end = " " adds a spaceafter each print statement
                          #instead of a new line
    row += 1 


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


row = 1
row_stop = 10
col = 1
col_stop = 10
while row != row_stop:
  wile col != col_stop:
    #print your column stuff
  #reset your column counter, 
  #increment your row counter


答案 1 :(得分:0)

您发布的代码的一个主要问题是您的外部while循环实际上只会运行一次。由于您运行while(count < 1),并且在运行循环一次后将count递增1,因此该循环将在第二次运行时退出。


firstNumber  = int(input("Please enter the first number: "))
secondNumber = int(input("Please enter the second number: "))

# Print twelve spaces in order to format the columns correctly, but don't
# place a newline after the print statement
print(" "*12, end="")

# Loop through all of the column header values in the first row
columnCounter = 0
while columnCounter < 10:
    # Print a single incremented column value, with a space separating each
    print("{:5}".format(firstNumber + columnCounter), end=" ")
    columnCounter = columnCounter + 1

# Add a newline to go to the next row

# Print the dashes separating the first row from the rest
print("{:5} {:}".format(" ", "-"*65))

# Print the remainder of the rows in the table
rowCounter = 0
while(rowCounter < 10):
    # Print the left-hand side value
    print("{:5} {:5}".format(secondNumber, "|"), end=" ")

    downSolution = firstNumber * secondNumber

    # Loop through the values for all columns for this row
    columnCounter = 0
    while(columnCounter < 10):
        print("{:5}".format(downSolution + secondNumber*columnCounter), end= " ")
        columnCounter = columnCounter + 1

    secondNumber = secondNumber + 1
    rowCounter = rowCounter + 1