Android Studio doesn't generate Drawable from VectorDrawable for old versions

时间:2016-04-21 22:24:54

标签: android android-studio android-vectordrawable

I use Android Studio 2.0 and support VectorDrawable library. My gradle:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"

    defaultConfig {
        minSdkVersion 8
        vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true

    aaptOptions {
        additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"

But when I try to load icon in menu on old device:

MenuItem miSubjects = menu.add(, ACTION_SUBJECTS_ID, order, R.string.action_subjects);
miSubjects.setIcon(ContextCompat.getDrawable(this, R.drawable.ic_labels_gray_24dp));

Icon is a vector but AndroidStudio must generate and drawable for old versions (raster drawable). If it isn't so when how I need to use it?
Vector example ic_labels_gray_24dp.xml

        android:pathData="m15.316,4.5 l-10.316,0.008c-1.169,-0 -2,0.96 -2,2v5.984c0,1.043 0.78,2 2,2l10.316,0.008c0.991,0 0.968,0.014 1.543,-0.6l4.141,-4.4 -4.141,-4.4c-0.594,-0.594 -0.552,-0.6 -1.543,-0.6zM20.019,13.459 L18.316,15.269c-0.284,0.303 -0.614,0.743 -1.354,1.027 -0.741,0.285 -1.161,0.203 -1.646,0.203h-0.002l-10.316,-0.008c-0.74,0 -1.413,-0.225 -1.998,-0.578v1.578c0,1.043 0.78,2 2,2l10.316,0.008c0.991,0 0.968,0.014 1.543,-0.6l4.141,-4.4 -0.98,-1.041z"/>

P.S. It wrote a simple class. It doesn't fix Android Studio bug but at least app will not crash. Maybe someone else has same problem.

public final class VectorDrawable {

    private VectorDrawable() {}

    public static Drawable getDrawable(Context context, final int id) {
        return VectorDrawableCompat.create(context.getResources(), id, context.getTheme());

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