
时间:2016-04-21 20:23:27

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008 join


    declare @CurrentDate datetime = '2016-04-21' 
    select Lodging, Room, FirstName, LastName, TempStatus, @CurrentDate as CurrentDate
    from RoomAvailability


    Lodging     Room    FirstName   LastName    TempStatus  CurrentDate
    marriok     119     Super       Man     Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000
    marriok     101     Bat         Man     Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000
    marriok     123     Aqua        Man     Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000
    marriok     103     Wonder      Woman   Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000
    marriok     101     Lex         Luthor  Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000


    Lodging     Room    CurrFirstName       CurrLastName    TempStatus      CurrentDate                 NextFistName    NextLastName    TempStatus
    marriok     119     Super               Man             Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     NULL            NULL            NULL
    marriok     123     Aqua                Man             Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     NULL            NULL            NULL
    marriok     103     Wonder              Woman           Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     NULL            NULL            NULL
    marriok     101     Lex                 Luthor          Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Bat             Man             Next guest


    declare @CurrentDate datetime = '2016-04-21' 
    select coalesce(a.Lodging, b.Lodging) as Lodging, 
        coalesce(a.Room, b.Room) as Room, 
        a.FirstName as CurrFirstName, a.LastName as CurrLastName, a.TempStatus, @CurrentDate,
        b.NextFirstName, b.NextLastName, b.TempStatus
    from RoomAvailability a
    full join RoomAvailability b
        on a.Lodging = b.Lodging
        and a.Room = b.Room


    Lodging     Room    CurrFirstName       CurrLastName    TempStatus      CurrentDate                 NextFistName    NextLastName    TempStatus
    marriok     119     Super               Man             Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Super           Man             Next guest
    marriok     101     Bat                 Man             Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Bat             Man             Next guest
    marriok     101     Bat                 Man             Next guest      2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Lex             Luthor          Leaving today
    marriok     123     Aqua                Man             Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Aqua            Man             Leaving today
    marriok     103     Wonder              Woman           Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Wonder          Woman           Leaving today
    marriok     101     Lex                 Luthor          Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Bat             Man             Next guest
    marriok     101     Lex                 Luthor          Leaving today   2016-03-24 00:00:00.000     Lex             Luthor          Leaving today

那么我怎样才能获得独特或合并的行并列出在同一天离开并到达同一房间的人? (没有CTE优先)


临时表RoomAvailability是带有union all








select coalesce(a.Lodging, b.Lodging), 
    coalesce(a.Room, b.Room), 
    a.FirstName, a.LastName, a.TempStatus, 
    b.FirstName, b.LastName, b.TempStatus,
from RoomAvailability a
left join RoomAvailability b
    on a.Lodging = b.Lodging
    and a.Room = b.Room
    and a.TempStatus != b.TempStatus


marriok 119 Super   Man     Next guest      NULL    NULL    NULL            2016-04-21
marriok 101 Bat     Man     Next guest      Lex     Luthor  Leaving today   2016-04-21
marriok 123 Aqua    Man     Leaving today   NULL    NULL    NULL            2016-04-21
marriok 103 Wonder  Woman   Leaving today   NULL    NULL    NULL            2016-04-21
marriok 101 Lex     Luthor  Leaving today   Bat     Max     Next guest      2016-04-21 --<-- this should not be displayed

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您使用的是SQL 2012及更高版本,则最终查询会更简单。




create table #t (
    Lodging varchar(10)
    , Room int
    , FirstName  varchar(10)
    , LastName  varchar(10)
    , TempStatus  varchar(20)
    , CurrentDate datetime

insert into #t values
('marriok'     ,119     ,'Super'       ,'Man'     ,'Next guest'      ,'2016-03-24'),
('marriok'     ,101     ,'Bat'         ,'Man'     ,'Next guest'      ,'2016-03-24'),
('marriok'     ,123     ,'Aqua'        ,'Man'     ,'Leaving today'   ,'2016-03-24'),
('marriok'     ,103     ,'Wonder'      ,'Woman'   ,'Leaving today'   ,'2016-03-24'),
('marriok'     ,101     ,'Lex'         ,'Luthor'  ,'Leaving today'   ,'2016-03-24')


with sortIt as (
    select *, case TempStatus 
                  when 'Next guest' then 2 
                  when 'Leaving today' then 1 
              end as Sort 
    from #t
, addFld as (
    select t1.*, t2.FirstName as NextFirstName, t2.LastName as NextLastName
        , t2.TempStatus as NextTempStatus 
    from sortIt t1
        left join sortIt t2 on t2.Room = t1.Room and t2.Sort = t1.Sort + 1
, removDup as ( 
    select *, ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by Room order by NextFirstName desc) rn
    from addFld
select * from removDup
where rn = 1


| Lodging | Room | FirstName | LastName |  TempStatus   |       CurrentDate       | Sort | NextFirstName | NextLastName | NextTempStatus | rn |
| marriok |  101 | Lex       | Luthor   | Leaving today | 2016-03-24 00:00:00.000 |    1 | Bat           | Man          | Next guest     |  1 |
| marriok |  103 | Wonder    | Woman    | Leaving today | 2016-03-24 00:00:00.000 |    1 | NULL          | NULL         | NULL           |  1 |
| marriok |  119 | Super     | Man      | Next guest    | 2016-03-24 00:00:00.000 |    2 | NULL          | NULL         | NULL           |  1 |
| marriok |  123 | Aqua      | Man      | Leaving today | 2016-03-24 00:00:00.000 |    1 | NULL          | NULL         | NULL           |  1 |