[david 7, Ocsar 6, Kevin 3, Kim 4, Andrew 2, null, null]
import java.util.*;
public class NodeHeap<V extends Comparable<V>> implements Heap<V> {
Node<V> root;
int nodeCount;
public NodeHeap() {
root = null;
nodeCount = 0;
public void resetHeap() {
root = null;
nodeCount = 0;
* Use a queue. Start from root and enque the parent, and then deque the
* parent. When dequeing the parent, enque its right and left children,
* repeat until queue is empty.
public V[] toArray(V[] array) {
V[] outputArr = (V[]) java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(array.getClass().getComponentType(), nodeCount);
ArrayList<Node> queue = new ArrayList<Node>();
int index = 0;
Node<V> temp = null;
System.out.println("NodeCount in NodeHeap: " + nodeCount);
if( root == null) {
return null;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
temp = queue.remove(0);
outputArr[index] = temp.data;
if (temp.leftChild != null) {
if (temp.rightChild != null) {
return outputArr;
public void fromArrary(V[] array) {
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
* Need to implement.
public V[] getSortedContents(V[] array) {
return null;
* Need to figure out why it adds two more nulls to the end of the
* output array.
public void add(V value) {
Node<V> temp = root;
if (nodeCount == 0) {
root = new Node<V>(null, value);
} else {
String direction = (Integer.toBinaryString(nodeCount + 1));
direction = direction.substring(1);
for (int i = 0; i < direction.length(); i++) {
if (direction.charAt(i) == '1') {
if (temp.rightChild == null) {
temp.rightChild = new Node<V>(temp, value);
} else {
temp = temp.rightChild;
} else {
if (temp.leftChild == null) {
temp.leftChild = new Node<V>(temp, value);
} else {
temp = temp.leftChild;
* Still needs to test.
public V remove() {
Node<V> temp = root;
V elementRemoved = root.data;
String direction = (Integer.toBinaryString(nodeCount));
direction = direction.substring(1);
if (root == null) {
return null;
} else if (nodeCount == 1) {
root = null;
return elementRemoved;
for (int i = 0; i < direction.length(); i++) {
if (direction.charAt(i) == '1') {
temp = temp.rightChild;
} else {
temp = temp.leftChild;
swap(root, temp);
temp = null;
return elementRemoved;
* seems to be working.
public void siftUp(Node<V> last) {
if (last == root) {
if (last.data.compareTo(last.parent.data) > 0) {
swap(last.parent, last);
} /**
* while(last != root && (last.data.compareTo(last.parent.data) >
* 0)) { swap(last.parent, last); last = last.parent; }
* Need to fix
public void siftDown(Node<V> min) {
boolean notDone = true;
Node<V> temp;
while (notDone) {
if (!min.isLeaf()) {
temp = min;
if (min.data.compareTo(min.leftChild.data) < 0 || min.data.compareTo(min.rightChild.data) < 0) {
if (min.leftChild.data.compareTo(min.rightChild.data) >= 0) {
swap(temp, min.leftChild);
} else {
swap(temp, min.rightChild);
} else {
notDone = false;
* Need to implement
public void heapify() {
public void swap(Node<V> ele1, Node<V> ele2) {
Node<V> temp = new Node();
temp.data = ele1.data;
ele1.data = ele2.data;
ele2.data = temp.data;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return nodeCount == 0;
* Need to implement
public String toString() {
Node<V> temp = root;
return null;
public static class Node<V> implements Comparable<V> {
Node<V> leftChild;
Node<V> rightChild;
Node<V> parent;
V priority;
V data;
* Empty constructor. Not sure what this is used in.
* need to find out.
Node() {
Node(Node<V> parent, V data) {
this.parent = parent;
this.data = data;
public boolean isLeaf() {
return (leftChild == null && rightChild == null);
public class Main {
* @param <V>
* @param args
public static <V> void main(String[] args) {
NodeHeap<Customer> test = new NodeHeap<Customer>();
Customer[] test2 = { new Customer("david", 7), new Customer("Ocsar", 6), new Customer("Andrew", 2), new Customer("Kim", 4), new Customer("Kevin", 3)};
System.out.println("NodeCount: " + test.nodeCount);
//test.swap(test.root, test.root.leftChild);