.globl __start # for PCSPIM //main for qtspim instead of __start
la $a0,pr1 # Ask user for amount of integers desired to be entered
li $v0,4 # a0 = address of string
syscall # v0 = 4, indicates display a string
li $v0,5 # Command to read an integer
sw $v0,count # Store int read into count
lw $t0,array # Point t0 to array
lw $t1,count # Point t1 to count
la $a0,pr2 # Prompt for integer
li $v0,4 # a0 = address of string
syscall # v0 = 4
li $v0,5 # Command to read an integer
beqz $v0, E_LOOP
sw $v0, array($t0) # Move the integer into the array
addi $t0,$t0,4 # Increment count by 4
sub $t1,$t1,1 # Subtract 1 from $t1
bnez $t0,M_LOOP
li $v0,10 # End Of Program
syscall # Call to system
array: .space 100
pr1: .asciiz "Amount of integers to be entered: "
pr2: .asciiz "Integer to be inserted into array: "
newl: .asciiz "\n"
count: .word 0