在R中实现Matlab fspecial-function

时间:2016-04-19 15:16:53

标签: r matlab 2d blur gaussian



h = fspecial('gaussian', 11, 1.5)


gaussian2D <- function(amplitude) {
  # Defining limits of grid
  x_min <- 1
  x_max <- 11
  y_min <- x_min
  y_max <- x_max

  # Setting parameters of the two-dimensional Gaussian function 
  # The distribution is centred in [6,6]
  x_zero <- 6
  y_zero <- 6

  # Setting the spread of the filter
  sigma_x <- 1.5
  sigma_y <- sigma_x

  # Running through all x and y combinations applying the 2d-gaussian equation
  df <- NULL
  for (x_val in c(x_min:x_max)){
    for (y_val in c(y_min:y_max)){
      cell_value <- amplitude*exp(-( (((x_val-x_zero)^2)/(2*(sigma_x^2))) +     (((y_val-y_zero)^2)/(2*(sigma_y^2))) ))
      df = rbind(df,data.frame(x_val,y_val, cell_value))

  # Axis labels
  x_axis <- c(x_min:x_max)
  y_axis <- c(y_min:y_max)

  # Populating matrix
  gauss_matrix <- matrix(df[,3], nrow = 11, ncol = 11, dimnames = list(x_axis,     y_axis))


h2 = gaussian2D(1)



   1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10       11
1  14.13137 14.13185 14.13201 14.13238 14.13187 14.13189 14.13187 14.13238 14.13201 14.13185 14.13137
2  14.13185 14.13186 14.13189 14.13175 14.13164 14.13154 14.13164 14.13175 14.13189 14.13186 14.13185
3  14.13201 14.13189 14.13135 14.13172 14.13176 14.13187 14.13176 14.13172 14.13135 14.13189 14.13201
4  14.13238 14.13175 14.13172 14.13155 14.13209 14.13194 14.13209 14.13155 14.13172 14.13175 14.13238
5  14.13187 14.13164 14.13176 14.13209 14.13194 14.13182 14.13194 14.13209 14.13176 14.13164 14.13187
6  14.13189 14.13154 14.13187 14.13194 14.13182 14.13188 14.13182 14.13194 14.13187 14.13154 14.13189
7  14.13187 14.13164 14.13176 14.13209 14.13194 14.13182 14.13194 14.13209 14.13176 14.13164 14.13187
8  14.13238 14.13175 14.13172 14.13155 14.13209 14.13194 14.13209 14.13155 14.13172 14.13175 14.13238
9  14.13201 14.13189 14.13135 14.13172 14.13176 14.13187 14.13176 14.13172 14.13135 14.13189 14.13201
10 14.13185 14.13186 14.13189 14.13175 14.13164 14.13154 14.13164 14.13175 14.13189 14.13186 14.13185
11 14.13137 14.13185 14.13201 14.13238 14.13187 14.13189 14.13187 14.13238 14.13201 14.13185 14.13137


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您缺少调整期限:1 /(2 * pi * sigma1 * sigma2)

注意2 * pi * 1.5 * 1.5 = 14.13717

答案 1 :(得分:1)



  df <- NULL
  s <- 0 # Added
  for (x_val in c(x_min:x_max)){
    for (y_val in c(y_min:y_max)){
      cell_value <- amplitude*exp(-( (((x_val-x_zero)^2)/(2*(sigma_x^2))) +     (((y_val-y_zero)^2)/(2*(sigma_y^2))) ))
      df = rbind(df,data.frame(x_val,y_val, cell_value))
      s <- s + cell_value # Added


return(gauss_matrix / s)


>> format long g
>> h = fspecial('gaussian', 11, 1.5)

h =

  Columns 1 through 3

      1.05756559815326e-06       7.8144115330536e-06      3.70224770827489e-05
       7.8144115330536e-06      5.77411251978637e-05      0.000273561160085806
      3.70224770827489e-05      0.000273561160085806        0.0012960555938432
      0.000112464355116679      0.000831005429087199       0.00393706926284678
      0.000219050652866017       0.00161857756253439       0.00766836382523672
      0.000273561160085806       0.00202135875836257       0.00957662749024029
      0.000219050652866017       0.00161857756253439       0.00766836382523672
      0.000112464355116679      0.000831005429087199       0.00393706926284678
      3.70224770827489e-05      0.000273561160085806        0.0012960555938432
       7.8144115330536e-06      5.77411251978637e-05      0.000273561160085806
      1.05756559815326e-06       7.8144115330536e-06      3.70224770827489e-05

  Columns 4 through 6

      0.000112464355116679      0.000219050652866017      0.000273561160085806
      0.000831005429087199       0.00161857756253439       0.00202135875836257
       0.00393706926284678       0.00766836382523672       0.00957662749024029
         0.011959760410037        0.0232944324734871        0.0290912256485504
        0.0232944324734871        0.0453713590956603        0.0566619704916846
        0.0290912256485504        0.0566619704916846         0.070762237763947
        0.0232944324734871        0.0453713590956603        0.0566619704916846
         0.011959760410037        0.0232944324734871        0.0290912256485504
       0.00393706926284678       0.00766836382523672       0.00957662749024029
      0.000831005429087199       0.00161857756253439       0.00202135875836257
      0.000112464355116679      0.000219050652866017      0.000273561160085806

  Columns 7 through 9

      0.000219050652866017      0.000112464355116679      3.70224770827489e-05
       0.00161857756253439      0.000831005429087199      0.000273561160085806
       0.00766836382523672       0.00393706926284678        0.0012960555938432
        0.0232944324734871         0.011959760410037       0.00393706926284678
        0.0453713590956603        0.0232944324734871       0.00766836382523672
        0.0566619704916846        0.0290912256485504       0.00957662749024029
        0.0453713590956603        0.0232944324734871       0.00766836382523672
        0.0232944324734871         0.011959760410037       0.00393706926284678
       0.00766836382523672       0.00393706926284678        0.0012960555938432
       0.00161857756253439      0.000831005429087199      0.000273561160085806
      0.000219050652866017      0.000112464355116679      3.70224770827489e-05

  Columns 10 through 11

       7.8144115330536e-06      1.05756559815326e-06
      5.77411251978637e-05       7.8144115330536e-06
      0.000273561160085806      3.70224770827489e-05
      0.000831005429087199      0.000112464355116679
       0.00161857756253439      0.000219050652866017
       0.00202135875836257      0.000273561160085806
       0.00161857756253439      0.000219050652866017
      0.000831005429087199      0.000112464355116679
      0.000273561160085806      3.70224770827489e-05
      5.77411251978637e-05       7.8144115330536e-06
       7.8144115330536e-06      1.05756559815326e-06


> h2
              1            2            3            4            5            6            7
1  1.057566e-06 7.814412e-06 3.702248e-05 0.0001124644 0.0002190507 0.0002735612 0.0002190507
2  7.814412e-06 5.774113e-05 2.735612e-04 0.0008310054 0.0016185776 0.0020213588 0.0016185776
3  3.702248e-05 2.735612e-04 1.296056e-03 0.0039370693 0.0076683638 0.0095766275 0.0076683638
4  1.124644e-04 8.310054e-04 3.937069e-03 0.0119597604 0.0232944325 0.0290912256 0.0232944325
5  2.190507e-04 1.618578e-03 7.668364e-03 0.0232944325 0.0453713591 0.0566619705 0.0453713591
6  2.735612e-04 2.021359e-03 9.576627e-03 0.0290912256 0.0566619705 0.0707622378 0.0566619705
7  2.190507e-04 1.618578e-03 7.668364e-03 0.0232944325 0.0453713591 0.0566619705 0.0453713591
8  1.124644e-04 8.310054e-04 3.937069e-03 0.0119597604 0.0232944325 0.0290912256 0.0232944325
9  3.702248e-05 2.735612e-04 1.296056e-03 0.0039370693 0.0076683638 0.0095766275 0.0076683638
10 7.814412e-06 5.774113e-05 2.735612e-04 0.0008310054 0.0016185776 0.0020213588 0.0016185776
11 1.057566e-06 7.814412e-06 3.702248e-05 0.0001124644 0.0002190507 0.0002735612 0.0002190507
              8            9           10           11
1  0.0001124644 3.702248e-05 7.814412e-06 1.057566e-06
2  0.0008310054 2.735612e-04 5.774113e-05 7.814412e-06
3  0.0039370693 1.296056e-03 2.735612e-04 3.702248e-05
4  0.0119597604 3.937069e-03 8.310054e-04 1.124644e-04
5  0.0232944325 7.668364e-03 1.618578e-03 2.190507e-04
6  0.0290912256 9.576627e-03 2.021359e-03 2.735612e-04
7  0.0232944325 7.668364e-03 1.618578e-03 2.190507e-04
8  0.0119597604 3.937069e-03 8.310054e-04 1.124644e-04
9  0.0039370693 1.296056e-03 2.735612e-04 3.702248e-05
10 0.0008310054 2.735612e-04 5.774113e-05 7.814412e-06
11 0.0001124644 3.702248e-05 7.814412e-06 1.057566e-06
