
时间:2010-09-08 22:04:51

标签: python regex templates


import re

pattern = re.compile("/something/(?P<id>.*)")
pattern.populate(id=1) # that is what I'm looking for



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)


>>> '/something/{id}'.format(id=1)

答案 1 :(得分:1)


pattern = re.compile("/something/(?P<%s>.*)" % 1)

答案 2 :(得分:1)



通常,您通常会构造正则表达式,并且正常使用matchsearch函数。 format函数与string.format非常相似,用于生成新字符串。

import re
regex_type = type(re.compile(""))

# This is not perfect. It breaks if there is a parenthesis in the regex.
re_term = re.compile(r"(?<!\\)\(\?P\<(?P<name>[\w_\d]+)\>(?P<regex>[^\)]*)\)")

class BadFormatException(Exception):

class RegexTemplate(object):
    def __init__(self, r, *args, **kwargs):
        self.r = re.compile(r, *args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<RegexTemplate '%s'>"%self.r.pattern

    def match(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''The regex match function'''
        return self.r.match(*args, **kwargs)

    def search(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''The regex match function'''
        return self.r.search(*args, **kwargs)

    def format(self, **kwargs):
        '''Format this regular expression in a similar way as string.format.
        Only supports true keyword replacement, not group replacement.'''
        pattern = self.r.pattern
        def replace(m):
            name = m.group('name')
            reg = m.group('regex')
            val = kwargs[name]
            if not re.match(reg, val):
                raise BadFormatException("Template variable '%s' has a value "
                    "of %s, does not match regex %s."%(name, val, reg))
            return val

        # The regex sub function does most of the work
        value = re_term.sub(replace, pattern)

        # Now we have un-escape the special characters. 
        return re.sub(r"\\([.\(\)\[\]])", r"\1", value)

def compile(*args, **kwargs):
    return RegexTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Construct a typical URL routing regular expression
    r = RegexTemplate(r"http://example\.com/(?P<year>\d\d\d\d)/(?P<title>\w+)")
    print r

    # This should match
    print r.match("http://example.com/2015/article")
    # Generate the same URL using url formatting.
    print r.format(year = "2015", title = "article")

    # This should not match
    print r.match("http://example.com/abcd/article")
    # This will raise an exception because year is not formatted properly
        print r.format(year = "15", title = "article")
    except BadFormatException as e:
        print e


  • 格式化功能仅适用于关键字参数(您无法使用\1中的string.format样式格式。
  • 还有一个与子元素匹配的元素的错误,例如RegexTemplate(r'(?P<foo>biz(baz)?)')。这可以通过一些工作来纠正。
  • 如果您的正则表达式包含命名组之外的字符类(例如[a-z123]),我们将不知道如何格式化这些字符类。

答案 3 :(得分:1)



import re
from functools import partial

unescape = partial(re.compile(r'\\(.)').sub, r'\1')
namedgroup = partial(re.compile(r'\(\?P<(\w+)>.*?\)').sub, r'{\1}')

class Mould:
    def __init__(self, pattern):
        self.pattern = re.compile(pattern)
        self.template = unescape(namedgroup(pattern))

    def format(self, **values):
            return self.template.format(**values)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise TypeError(f'Missing argument: {e}') from None

    def search(self, string):
            return self.pattern.search(string).groupdict()
        except AttributeError:
            raise ValueError(string) from None

因此,例如,以 (XXX) YYY-ZZZZ 形式为电话号码实例化验证器/格式化器:

template = r'\((?P<area>\d{3})\)\ (?P<prefix>\d{3})\-(?P<line>\d{4})'
phonenum = Mould(template)


>>> phonenum.search('(333) 444-5678')
{'area': '333', 'prefix': '444', 'line': '5678'}

>>> phonenum.format(area=111, prefix=555, line=444)
(111) 555-444


这是基本的验证器/格式化器(.search().format() 是相同的):

import string
import re

FMT = string.Formatter()

class Mould:
    def __init__(self, template, **kwargs):
        self.template = template
        self.pattern = self.make_pattern(template, **kwargs)

    def make_pattern(template, **kwargs):
        pattern = ''
        # for each field in the template, add to the pattern
        for text, field, *_ in FMT.parse(template):
            # the escaped preceding text
            pattern += re.escape(text)
            if field:
                # a named regex capture group
                pattern += f'(?P<{field}>{kwargs[field]})'
            # XXX: if there's text after the last field,
            #   the parser will iterate one more time,
            #   hence the 'if field'
        return re.compile(pattern)


template = '({area}) {prefix}-{line}'
content  = dict(area=r'\d{3}', prefix=r'\d{3}', line=r'\d{4}')
phonenum = Mould(template, **content)


>>> phonenum.search('(333) 444-5678')
{'area': '333', 'prefix': '444', 'line': '5678'}

>>> phonenum.format(area=111, prefix=555, line=444)
(111) 555-444