"无法分配命名常量" (重新分配变量)

时间:2016-04-19 13:00:41

标签: fortran gfortran


integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: A
integer :: f, n        

write (*, *) "Give an integer n > 0. n = "

   read (*, IOSTAT=f) n

   do while(f /= 0)
      print *, "Error with input. Please try again."
      read (*, IOSTAT=f) n
   end do

   write (*, "(a, i5)") "You have entered n = ", n

   allocate(A(n), STAT=f)
   if (f /= 0) 
      print *, "Error: not enough memory for A."
   end if


f已被声明为整数(而不是参数整数):integer :: f


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


   if (f /= 0) 
      print *, "Error: not enough memory for A."
   end if


   if (f /= 0) then
      print *, "Error: not enough memory for A."
   end if

答案 1 :(得分:0)

   implicit none
   integer :: f, n
   integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: A

   write (*, *) "Give an integer n > 0. n = "
   read (*, *, IOSTAT=f) n

   do while (f /= 0)
      print *, "Error with input. Please try again."
      read (*, IOSTAT=f) n
   end do

   write (*, "(a, i5)") "You have entered n = ", n

   allocate(A(n,n), STAT=f)
   if (f /= 0) then
      print *, "Error: not enough memory for A."
      !exit program. How do I do this?
   end if


(1)正如Vladimir F指出的那样,Fortran想要if (<condition>) then <stuff> endif

(2)正如我在上述评论中所提到的,我应该写allocate(A(n,n), STAT=f)

感谢您的帮助!这个答案只是为了完整性 - 弗拉基米尔实际上回答了这个问题。