Sphinx Auto Doc无法正常运行

时间:2016-04-19 11:52:55

标签: python-3.x python-sphinx

我正在尝试学习如何使用sphinx生成文档。我有一个数据包它的名字测试,它有一个名为test_module的模块。 sphinx-quickstart脚本运行良好。它会创建所有相关文件和目录。

  • _build
  • _static
  • _templates
  • conf.py
  • index.rst
  • 测试
    • test_module.py



.. test documentation master file, created by
   sphinx-quickstart on Tue Apr 19 13:51:42 2016.
   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
   contain the root `toctree` directive.

Welcome to test's documentation!


.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 4

.. automodule:: test

Indices and tables

* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`


""This module illustrates how to write your docstring in OpenAlea
and other projects related to OpenAlea."""

class MainClass1(object):
    """This class docstring shows how to use sphinx and rst syntax

    The first line is brief explanation, which may be completed with 
    a longer one. For instance to discuss about its methods. The only
    method here is :func:`function1`'s. The main idea is to document
    the class and methods's arguments with 

    - **parameters**, **types**, **return** and **return types**::

          :param arg1: description
          :param arg2: description
          :type arg1: type description
          :type arg1: type description
          :return: return description
          :rtype: the return type description

    - and to provide sections such as **Example** using the double commas syntax::


          followed by a blank line !

      which appears as follow:


      followed by a blank line

    - Finally special sections such as **See Also**, **Warnings**, **Notes**
      use the sphinx syntax (*paragraph directives*)::

          .. seealso:: blabla
          .. warnings also:: blabla
          .. note:: blabla
          .. todo:: blabla

    .. note::
        There are many other Info fields but they may be redundant:
            * param, parameter, arg, argument, key, keyword: Description of a
            * type: Type of a parameter.
            * raises, raise, except, exception: That (and when) a specific
              exception is raised.
            * var, ivar, cvar: Description of a variable.
            * returns, return: Description of the return value.
            * rtype: Return type.

    .. note::
        There are many other directives such as versionadded, versionchanged,
        rubric, centered, ... See the sphinx documentation for more details.

    Here below is the results of the :func:`function1` docstring.


    def function1(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
        """returns (arg1 / arg2) + arg3

        This is a longer explanation, which may include math with latex syntax
        Then, you need to provide optional subsection in this order (just to be
        consistent and have a uniform documentation. Nothing prevent you to
        switch the order):

          - parameters using ``:param <name>: <description>``
          - type of the parameters ``:type <name>: <description>``
          - returns using ``:returns: <description>``
          - examples (doctest)
          - seealso using ``.. seealso:: text``
          - notes using ``.. note:: text``
          - warning using ``.. warning:: text``
          - todo ``.. todo:: text``

         - Uses sphinx markups, which will certainly be improved in future
         - Nice HTML output with the See Also, Note, Warnings directives

         - Just looking at the docstring, the parameter, type and  return
           sections do not appear nicely

        :param arg1: the first value
        :param arg2: the first value
        :param arg3: the first value
        :type arg1: int, float,...
        :type arg2: int, float,...
        :type arg3: int, float,...
        :returns: arg1/arg2 +arg3
        :rtype: int, float


        >>> import template
        >>> a = template.MainClass1()
        >>> a.function1(1,1,1)

        .. note:: can be useful to emphasize
            important feature
        .. seealso:: :class:`MainClass2`
        .. warning:: arg2 must be non-zero.
        .. todo:: check that arg2 is non zero.
        return arg1/arg2 + arg3

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

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