修改 以下代码是单击“显示”按钮时运行的代码:
Dim strLibrary As String, strFromDate As String, strToDate As String, strCategory As String
Dim strBookType As String, strBook As String, strBorrower As String
Dim booBookSeperatePages As Boolean, booBorrowerSeperatePages As Boolean, booGrouped As Boolean
Dim dteFromDate As Date, dteToDate As Date
Dim strPassedArgument As String, strWhereStatement As String, strAnd As String
strFromDate = Nz(cboFromDate, "")
strToDate = Nz(cboToDate, "")
If Len(Nz(cboFromDate, "")) = 0 Then
dteFromDate = #1/1/1980#
dteFromDate = cboFromDate
End If
If Len(Nz(cboToDate, "")) = 0 Then
dteToDate = Date
dteToDate = cboToDate
End If
strCategory = Nz(cboCategory, "")
strBookType = Nz(cboType, "")
strBook = Nz(cboBook, "")
strBorrower = Nz(cboBorrower, "")
strLibrary = Str(fraLibrary)
booBookSeperatePages = chkBookSeperatePages
booBorrowerSeperatePages = chkBorrowerSeperatePages
booGrouped = chkGroup
strWhereStatement = ""
strAnd = ""
strPassedArgument = strLibrary & "|" & strFromDate & "|" & strToDate
If cboFromDate.Visible = True Then
If fraReports = 20 Or fraReports = 21 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BorrowDate] >= #" & dteFromDate & "# And [BorrowDate] <= #" & dteToDate & "#"
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[CatalogueDate] >= #" & dteFromDate & "# And [CatalogueDate] <= #" & dteToDate & "#"
End If
strAnd = " And "
End If
If cboCategory.Visible = True Then
If Len(cboCategory) > 0 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[CategoryID] = " & cboCategory
strAnd = " And "
End If
End If
If cboType.Visible = True Then
If Len(Nz(cboType, "")) > 0 Then
If Nz(cboType, 0) <> 0 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookTypeID] = " & cboType
strAnd = " And "
End If
End If
End If
If fraLibrary.Visible = True Then
Select Case fraLibrary
Case 1
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookTypeHasReader] = -1"
strAnd = " And "
Case 2
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookTypeHasReader] = 0"
strAnd = " And "
End Select
End If
If cboBook.Visible = True Then
If Len(Nz(cboBook, "")) > 0 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookID] = " & cboBook
strAnd = " And "
End If
End If
If cboBorrower.Visible = True Then
If fraReports = 13 Then
If Len(Nz(cboBorrower, "")) > 0 Then
Dim strSplitter() As String
strSplitter = Split(cboBorrower, ", ")
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[AuthorSurname] = '" & strSplitter(0) & "' AND [AuthorFirstName] = '" & strSplitter(1) & "'"
strAnd = " And "
End If
If Len(Nz(cboBorrower, "")) > 0 Then strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BorrowerID] = " & cboBorrower
strAnd = " And "
End If
End If
If fraReports = 7 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "([Digitised] = 'No' OR [Digitised] = 'N')"
strAnd = " And "
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookTypeDesc] = 'Tape'"
End If
If fraReports = 8 Then
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "([ReMastered] = 'No' OR [ReMastered] = 'N')"
strAnd = " And "
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookTypeHasReader] = True"
End If
Select Case fraReports
Case 0 'Sorted By Title
If booGrouped = False Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSortedByTitle", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSortByTitleGrouped", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
End If
Case 1 'Sorted By Author
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptSortedByAuthor", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 2 'Grouped By Category
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptGroupedByCategory", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 5 'Grouped By Type
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptGroupedByType", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 3 'Duplicate Books
MsgBox "Opening Duplicate Books Form...."
Case 4
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptRecentAdditions", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 7 'Books Not Yet Digitised
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptNotDigitised", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 8 'Books Not Yet Remastered
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptNotRemastered", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 10 'Borrower's History
If chkBorrowerSeperatePages = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBorrowersHistorySeperate", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBorrowersHistory", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
End If
Case 11 'Book History
If chkBookSeperatePages = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBookHistorySeperate", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBookHistory", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
End If
Case 12 'Book Lending Count
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBookLendingCount", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 13 'Book Lending Count by Author
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBookLendingCountAuthor", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 14 'Books Borrowed Count
If strToDate <> "" And strFromDate <> "" Then
strPassedArgument = "HistBorrowDate >=#" & strFromDate & "# AND HistBorrowDate <=#" & strToDate & "#|" & strLibrary & "|from " & strFromDate & " to " & strToDate
ElseIf strToDate <> "" And strFromDate = "" Then
strPassedArgument = "HistBorrowDate <=#" & strToDate & "#|" & strLibrary & "|before " & strToDate
ElseIf strToDate = "" And strFromDate <> "" Then
strPassedArgument = "HistBorrowDate >=#" & strFromDate & "#|" & strLibrary & "|after " & strFromDate
strPassedArgument = "|" & strLibrary & "|"
End If
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmBooksBorrowedCount", acNormal, , , , acDialog, strPassedArgument
Case 20 'Books on Loan Sorted by Title
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBooksOnLoanTitle", , , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 21 'Books on Loan Sorted by Borrower
If chkBorrowerSeperatePages = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBooksOnLoanBorrowerSep", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBooksOnLoanBorrower", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
End If
Case 22 'Lost/Damaged Books
strWhereStatement = strWhereStatement & strAnd & "[BookStatusID] = 3 Or [BookStatusID] = 4 Or [BookStatusID] = 7"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptLostDamagedBooks", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 23 'Statistics
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmStatistics", acNormal, , , , acDialog
Case 24 'Books Reserved
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptBooksReserved", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
Case 25 'List All Borrowers
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptListAllBorrowers", acViewPreview, , strWhereStatement, acWindowNormal, strPassedArgument
End Select