如何在Windows中运行redis lua脚本

时间:2016-04-18 16:32:59

标签: windows lua redis

我遇到了关于如何针对redis运行lua脚本的this文章。但是这篇文章面向那些在* nix上运行的人。如何从Windows环境中执行redis lua脚本?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Redis Scripting Project



@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

echo Starting removal of keys from redis. 
echo KeyMatch: %1 
echo Field: %2
echo Script: %3
echo Host: %4
echo Port: %5

REM set the cursor to 0 to begin iterating over matching keys
set cursor=0

REM call redis scan and output the result to temp.txt
call redis-cli -h %4 -p %5 scan !cursor! match %1 count 180 > temp.txt

REM set the first line of the temp file to the new cursor variable
set /p cursor=<temp.txt

REM outer loop variables
set /A i=0
set keyString=

REM loop through the text file to build the key string
for /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("temp.txt") do (
    set /A i+=1
    REM if we are not on the first line save the key to a space delimted string
    if NOT !i! == 1 (
        call set keyString=!keyString! %%a

rem if there is only one line in the file skip the script execution
if !i! LEQ 1 (
    goto :checkCursor

rem check that the length of keyString will not likely violate the 8192 character limit to command line calls
ECHO !keyString!> strlength.txt
FOR %%? IN (strlength.txt) DO ( SET /A strlength=%%~z? - 2 )
if !strlength! GTR 8000 (
    echo ****Error processing script. Key string is too long. Reduce the count in call to scan.****
    GOTO :end

REM call the script with the keys from the scan task, output to result.txt to prevent writing to the command line each iteration.   
call redis-cli -h %4 -p %5 --eval %3 !keyString:~1! , %2 > result.txt

REM output '.' to the commandline to signify progress
<nul set /p=.

if not !cursor!==0 (
    goto :loop

set fileToDelete=temp.txt
if exist !fileToDelete! del /F !fileToDelete!
set fileToDelete=result.txt
if exist !fileToDelete! del /F !fileToDelete!
set fileToDelete=strlength.txt
if exist !fileToDelete! del /F !fileToDelete!

echo Completed script execution


batchScriptName keyMatch field luaScriptName.lua host port
batchScriptName myKey* us luaScriptName.lua localhost 6379



call redis-cli -h %4 -p %5 --eval %3 !keyString:~1! , %2 > result.txt
