在Visual Studio 2010数据网格中使用Temp表进行SQL查询

时间:2016-04-18 15:30:01

标签: sql visual-studio-2010



 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch2') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch2
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch1') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch1
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch3') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch3
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch4') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch4
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch5') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch5
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch6') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch6
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch7') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch7
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch8') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch8
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch9') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch9
      IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tempbatch10') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #tempbatch10

      create table #tempbatch (rowid bigint primary key identity(1,1), shipmentno varchar(64))
  insert into #tempbatch select * from @unitnames

select distinct b.dcsID, a.BoxType,  b.BoxNO, b.shipmentno, b.PaletteWithinShipment into #tempbatch1 from #tempbatch c
join dva..Boxmapping as a
on c.shipmentno = a.shipmentno 
join dva..Boxmapping as b
on a.boxno = b.BoxNO
--where b.shipmentno = '@rmn'
group by b.dcsID, a.BoxType, b.BoxNO, b.shipmentno, b.PaletteWithinShipment
order by b.PaletteWithinShipment, b.BoxNO

--select dcsid,boxtype,boxno,shipmentno from #tempbatch1 

select distinct a.dcsid,b.dcsid as manifestDCS,b.rmn into #tempbatch3 from #tempbatch1 a

left outer join dva..manifestDCS b
on a.dcsid = b.dcsid 

select distinct b.dcsid,a.rmn into #tempbatch5 from #tempbatch3 a
left outer join dva..manifestdcs b
on a.rmn = b.rmn

 select b.dcsid as deliverexDCSID,a.dcsid,a.rmn,pbatch  into #tempbatch4 from #tempbatch5 a
 left outer join #tempbatch1 b
  on a.dcsid = b.dcsid 
  join dva..document c
  on a.dcsid = c.dcsid 

  where a.dcsid not in (select dcsid from dva..document where ftpstime is null) and a.dcsid not in (select dcsid from dva..boxmapping)   

 delete from #tempbatch4 where deliverexdcsid is not null 

  ----- ******************************** START OF SECOND QUERY *********************************-------------

  select * into #tempbatch6 from dva..Boxmapping 

select distinct c.rmn,c.dcsid,b.dcsid as BoxDCSID,a.pbatch into #tempbatch8 from #tempbatch4 a
left outer join dva..manifestDCS b
on a.dcsid = b.dcsid 
left outer join dva..manifestdcs c
on b.rmn = c.rmn   

 select distinct  c.rmn,c.dcsid as Missing,a.dcsid,d.BoxNO,d.boxtype,e.palette,e.PaletteWithinShipment,e.shipmentno into #tempbatch9 from #tempbatch8 a
 left outer join #tempbatch4 c
 on a.rmn = c.rmn 
 left outer join dva..boxmapping d
 on b.dcsid = d.dcsid 
 left outer join dva..boxmapping e
 on d.boxno = e.boxno 

 delete from #tempbatch9 where dcsID is null
 delete from #tempbatch9 where boxno is null  
 delete from #tempbatch9 where palette is null 

 select distinct rmn,missing,boxno,boxtype,PaletteWithinShipment,shipmentno from #tempbatch9

 order by rmn,PaletteWithinShipment

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    <insert your SQL here>

返回Visual Studio,您需要打开与数据库的连接,然后打开一个与数据读取器结合使用的命令。应该有很多如何做到这一点的例子,但是我会给你一个非常简短的样本(对不起它在C#,我不接触VB):

using (var con = new SqlConnection("Server=WHATEVERSERVER;Database=WHATEVERDBS;Trusted_Connection=True;"))
    using (var com = con.CreateCommand())
        com.CommantText = "EXECUTE <MyDatabase>.dbo.MyData;";
        using (var dr = com.ExecuteReader())
            while (dr.Read())
                var row = new string[7];
                row[0] = dr["rmn"].ToString();
                row[1] = dr["missing"].ToString();



再一次,道歉我的示例代码在C#中,我只是想给你一个非常基本的框架,所以至少你知道该怎么做并输入Google ...