--- A级----
implements B
public sub B_do()
end sub
- B级----
public sub do()
end sub
如何从A调用do()? (super.do())那么,我如何为这两个类定义一些公共变量?现在我只能继承函数,子和属性......
答案 0 :(得分:21)
这是旧的东西,但请参阅Visual Studio 6.0程序员指南:
除了实现抽象 接口,您可以重用您的代码 实现一个接口 普通班,然后有选择地 委托给隐藏的实例 类。
这意味着实现继承需要大量显式委派方法。甚至还有一章副标题:“这不会变得乏味吗?”。 VBA中OOP的另一个原因是PITA(TM)......
要回答你在评论中提出的问题,好吧,A 是 a B.当你制作A工具B的界面时,你基本上就是说你可以将A的实例看作是它实际上是B类型。在VBA中,你这样做的方法是声明一个B类型的变量,然后将它设置为A的实例。当你像B一样调用它时,VBA会知道该怎么做:
Dim usedAsB as B
Dim anA as A
Set anA = New A
Set usedAsB = anA 'fine since A implements B
usedAsB.something() 'will call B_something() defined in class A
就你在调试窗口中看到的那样,我不知道为什么会出现这种情况。就强迫授权而言,我不确定你的意思。 VBA自动将对B接口的调用分派给A类中的正确方法。如果你的意思是自动生成代码以上述方式继承B的实现,那就没有我所知道的VBA了。我认为VB6的各种“专业”版本可以做到这一点,但我从未使用过VB6,所以我不知道。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
如果您为派生类提供一个名为Super的属性,其类型为超类,然后将该默认成员设置为默认成员(通过导出和编辑文件以包含Attribute Item.VB_UserMemId = 0
此blog post提供了完整的详细信息,但此处的作者(披露,我)使用“基本”而不是“超级”
答案 2 :(得分:1)
'class module: IBase
'We define a base interface
Sub go(): End Sub
Sub gogo(): End Sub
现在让我们从抽象类“ B”开始定义其他类。
'class module: B
Implements IBase
'Daughter classes should implement 'go'
'Note that the method is 'Public'
Public Sub go(): End Sub
'Let's agree that every daughter class implements the method
'abstract 'super' that returns the IBase interface
Public Property Get super() As IBase: End Property
'The signature of other abstract methods can be stated here
'Public Sub goGoChild(): End Sub
'Public Function goGoGoChild2(): End Function
'Note that the methods are accessible through the IBase interface
Private Sub IBase_go()
Debug.Print "B: super.go()"
End Sub
Private Sub IBase_gogo()
Debug.Print "B: super.gogo()"
End Sub
让我们创建实现抽象类“ B”的类“ A”
'class module: 'A'
'We started implementing the abstract class B
Implements B
'we define a private type 'myType'
Private Type myType
'variable that references an instance of 'B'
objB As B
'variable that references the interface of 'B'
objIB As IBase
End Type
'VBA version of 'this'
Private this As myType
'Every class that implements 'B' (abstract class)
'you must initialize in your constructor some variables
'of instance.
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
With this
'we create an instance of object B
Set .objB = New B
'the variable 'objIB' refers to the IBase interface, implemented by class B
Set .objIB = .objB
End With
End Sub
'Visible only for those who reference interface B
Private Property Get B_super() As IBase
'returns the methods implemented by 'B', through the interface IBase
Set B_super = this.objIB
End Property
Private Sub B_go()
Debug.Print "A: go()"
End Sub
'Class 'A' local method
Sub localMethod1()
Debug.Print "A: Local method 1"
End Sub
Sub testA()
'reference to class 'A'
Dim objA As A
'reference to interface 'B'
Dim objIA As B
'we create an instance of 'A'
Set objA = New A
'we access the local methods of instance 'A'
'we obtain the reference to interface B (abstract class) implemented by 'A'
Set objIA = objA
'we access the 'go' method, implemented by interface 'B'
'we go to the 'go' method of the super class
'we access the 'gogo' method of the super class
End Sub
A: Local method 1
A: go()
B: super.go()
B: super.gogo()