WordPress动态分页 - 网址冲突

时间:2016-04-18 09:37:46

标签: javascript php jquery css wordpress

我已下载主题为静态html& css模板,现在我试图转换成wordpress动态模板。问题是静态模板是一个页面的网站,并在其中有一些部分。滚动到这些部分是通过jquery函数完成的,该函数使用url滚动到该特定部分,如下所示:





(function(window, undefined) {
        "use strict";   
var Page    = (function() {

    var $container          = $( '#container' ),
        // the scroll container that wraps the articles
        $scroller           = $container.find( 'div.content-scroller' ),
        $menu               = $container.find( 'aside' ),
        // menu links
        $links              = $menu.find( 'nav > a' ),
        $articles           = $container.find( 'div.content-wrapper > article' ).not(".noscroll"),

        // button to scroll to the top of the page
        // only shown when screen size < 715
        $toTop              = $container.find( 'a.totop-link' ),
        // the browser nhistory object
        History             = window.History,
        // animation options
        animation           = { speed : 800, easing : 'easeInOutExpo' },
        // jScrollPane options
        scrollOptions       = { verticalGutter : 0, hideFocus : true },
        // init function
        init                = function() {

            // initialize the jScrollPane on both the menu and articles
            // initialize some events
            // sets some css properties 
            // jumps to the respective chapter
            // according to the url

        _initCustomScroll   = function() {

            // Only add custom scroll to articles if screen size > 715.
            // If not the articles will be expanded
            if( $(window).width() > 767 ) {

                $articles.jScrollPane( scrollOptions );

            // add custom scroll to menu
            $menu.children( 'nav' ).jScrollPane( scrollOptions );

        _goto               = function( chapter ) {

                // get the url from history state (e.g. chapter=3) and extract the chapter number
            var chapter     = chapter || History.getState().url.queryStringToJSON().page,
                isHome      = ( chapter === undefined ),
                // we will jump to the introduction chapter if theres no chapter
                $article    = $( chapter ? '#' + 'chapter' + chapter : '#' + 'introduction' );



            if( $article.length ) {

                    // left / top of the element
                var left        = $article.position().left,
                    top         = $article.position().top,
                    // check if we are scrolling down or left
                    // is_v will be true when the screen size < 715
                    is_v        = ( $(document).height() - $(window).height() > 0 ),
                    // animation parameters:
                    // if vertically scrolling then the body will animate the scrollTop,
                    // otherwise the scroller (div.content-scroller) will animate the scrollLeft
                    param       = ( is_v ) ? { scrollTop : (isHome) ? top : top + $menu.outerHeight( true ) } : { scrollLeft : left },
                    $elScroller = ( is_v ) ? $( 'html, body' ) : $scroller;

                $elScroller.stop().animate( param, animation.speed, animation.easing, function() {

                    // active class for selected chapter
                    //$articles.removeClass( 'content-active' );
                    //$article.addClass( 'content-active' );

                } );


        _saveState          = function( chapter ) {

            // adds a new state to the history object
            // this will trigger the statechange on the window
            if( History.getState().url.queryStringToJSON().page !== chapter ) {

                History.pushState( null, null, '?page=' + chapter );




        _layout             = function() {

            // control the overflow property of the scroller (div.content-scroller)
            var windowWidth = $(window).width();

            var isipad = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad");
            if(isipad > -1)
                switch( true ) {
                case ( windowWidth <= 768 ) : $scroller.scrollLeft( 0 ).css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); break;
                case ( windowWidth <= 1024 ): $scroller.css( 'overflow-x', 'hidden' ); break;
                case ( windowWidth > 1024 ) : $scroller.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); break;
                switch( true ) {
                case ( windowWidth <= 768 ) : $scroller.scrollLeft( 0 ).css( 'overflow', 'visible' ); break;
                case ( windowWidth <= 1024 ): $scroller.css( 'overflow-x', 'hidden' ); break;
                case ( windowWidth > 1024 ) : $scroller.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' ); break;

        _initEvents         = function() {


        _initWindowEvents   = function() {


                // when resizing the window we need to reinitialize or destroy the jScrollPanes
                // depending on the screen size
                'smartresize' : function( event ) {

                    var isipad = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("ipad");
                    var ismobile =  navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mobile");
                    if(isipad > -1 || ismobile > -1 )

                        $('article.content').not(".noscroll").each( function() {

                            var $article    = $(this),
                                aJSP        = $article.data( 'jsp' );

                            if( $(window).width() > 767 ) {

                                ( aJSP === undefined ) ? $article.jScrollPane( scrollOptions ) : aJSP.reinitialise();


                            else {

                                // destroy article's custom scroll if screen size <= 715px
                                if( aJSP !== undefined )

                                $container.off( 'click', 'article.content' );



                        var nJSP = $menu.children( 'nav' ).data( 'jsp' );

                        // jumps to the current chapter

                // triggered when the history state changes - jumps to the respective chapter
                'statechange' : function( event ) {



        _initMenuEvents     = function() {

            // when we click a menu link we check which chapter the link refers to,
            // and we save the state on the history obj.
            // the statechange of the window is then triggered and the page/scroller scrolls to the 
            // respective chapter's position
            $links.on( 'click', function( event ) {

                var href        = $(this).attr('href'),
                    chapter     = ( href.search(/chapter/) !== -1 ) ? href.substring(8) : 0;

                _saveState( chapter );
                if (href.indexOf("#") != -1) 
                    return false;
                    return true;


            // scrolls to the top of the page.
            // this button will only be visible for screen size < 715
            $toTop.on( 'click', function( event ) {

                $( 'html, body' ).stop().animate( { scrollTop : 0 }, animation.speed, animation.easing );

                return false;


        _initArticleEvents  = function() {

            // when we click on an article we check which chapter the article refers to,
            // and we save the state on the history obj.
            // the statechange of the window is then triggered and the page/scroller scrolls to the 
            // respective chapter's position

                    $container.on( 'click', 'article.content', function( event ) {

                        var id          = $(this).attr('id'),
                            chapter     = ( id.search(/chapter/) !== -1 ) ? id.substring(7) : 0;

                        _saveState( chapter );

                        //return false;



    return { init : init }; 




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