Exception: Match_failure ("hw2.ml", 49, 0).
let rec compileStack(il : instr list) (st : float list) =
match (il,st) with
[],[_] -> List.hd st
|((Push f)::t),[_] -> compileStack t (f::st)
|(Swap)::t, h2::h1::st -> compileStack t (h2::h1::st)
|(Calculate op)::t, h1::h2::st ->
match op with
Plus -> compileStack t (h2+.h1::st)
| Minus -> compileStack t (h2-.h1::st)
| Times -> compileStack t (h2*.h1::st)
| Divide -> compileStack t (h2/.h1::st) ;;
let execute (li : instr list) : float =
let stack = [] in
compileStack li stack;;
答案 0 :(得分:2)
Warning ...: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
考虑到您的问题,我将不同的工作分成不同的功能 - 这样可以让您更轻松地处理这些工作;也不要忘记堆栈下溢,这种情况发生在堆栈中没有足够的数据来执行交换或二进制算术运算时。请参阅下面的示例。
(* just type aliases for convenience *)
type stack = float list
type binop = float -> float -> float
(* helper function to prevent nested pattern matching below *)
let denote_operation (op : oper) : binop =
match op with
| Plus -> ( +. )
| Minus -> ( -. )
| Times -> ( *. )
| Divide -> ( /. )
(* This function executes only 1 instruction and
returns 'stack option', which may signal stack underflow *)
let execute_instruction (i : instr) (st : stack) : stack option =
match i with
| Push f -> Some (f :: st)
| Swap ->
(match st with
| y :: x :: st' -> Some (x :: y :: st')
| _ -> None)
| Calculate op ->
(match st with
| y :: x :: st' -> Some ((denote_operation op x y) :: st')
| _ -> None)
(* this function deals with a bunch of instructions *)
let rec execute_program (il : instr list) (st : stack) : stack option =
match il with
| [] -> Some st
| i :: il' ->
match (execute_instruction i st) with
| None -> None
| Some st' -> execute_program il' st'