import os
import glob
def Test():
path = ('/home/Jack/Python.files/') # Shows the path for all python files
directories = os.listdir(path) # Finds the directory name
v = path + directories[0] + ('/*.py~')
a = path + directories[1] + ('/*.py~')
z = path + directories[2] + ('/*.py~')
w = path + directories[3] + ('/*.py~')
s = path + directories[4] + ('/*.py~')
x = path + directories[5] + ('/*.py~')
# Cocatinates path, directories, and files that end in .py~ together
numbers = (v, a, z, w, s, x)
# Puts the file variables in a tupple
for i in numbers:
if i in path:
# Iterates over the tupple for each string file
print os.remove(glob.glob(i))
# Places that string in os.remove and deletes the file