我正在开发一个使用SQLite数据库实现的应用程序。我目前正在添加使用MSSQL的能力。复杂的部分是它需要能够根据需要使用任何一种引擎。必须考虑少数不同的语法差异。我遇到的最大问题是LIMIT vs TOP。我已经编写了一些逻辑来将SQLite语句转换为适当的MSSQL格式。我将LIMIT转换为TOP的功能似乎正在起作用,但最终变得非常难看。我想在这里发布它,看看是否有人想要一个更简洁的方法来完成这个。我还想看看是否有人注意到我错过了任何明显的问题。我遇到的最大问题是嵌套的select语句也可能带有LIMIT语句。我最后将声明分成了各个部分,将它们从LIMIT更改为TOP,然后重建声明。甚至可能有一种总体上更好的方法来做到这一点,我错过了。如果您花时间看一下,请提前感谢。
private static string ConvertLimitToTop(string commandText)
string processCommand = commandText;
int start = -1;
List<string> commandParts = new List<string>();
//Running through the string looking for nested statemets starting with (
for (int i = 0; i < processCommand.Length; i++)
//Any time we find a new open ( we want to start there
if (processCommand[i] == '(')
start = i;
//If we find a close ) we will grab the nested statment and replace it
if (processCommand[i] == ')')
//Grab the 3 parts of the string
string preString = processCommand.Substring(0, start);
string nestedCommand = processCommand.Substring(start, i - start + 1);
string postString = processCommand.Substring(i + 1);
//Add the nested command to the list
//Update the commandText replacing the nested command we removed with its index in the list
processCommand = preString + "{" + (commandParts.Count - 1) + "}" + postString;
//Go back the the beginning of the command and look for the next nested command
i = 0;
start = -1;
//If start isnt -1 that means we found an open ( without a closing )
if (start == -1)
//We want to add the final command the the list for processing too
//We're going to go through the command parts and replace the LIMIT
for (int i = 0; i < commandParts.Count; i++)
string command = commandParts[i];
//We need to find the where the LIMIT is and extact the number
int limitIndex = command.IndexOf("LIMIT");
if (limitIndex != -1)
int startIndex = limitIndex + 6;
//Assuming after the limit will be ), a space, or the end of the string
int endIndex = command.IndexOf(')', startIndex);
if (endIndex == -1)
endIndex = command.IndexOf(' ', startIndex);
if (endIndex == -1)
endIndex = command.Length - 1;
//Extract the number
string limitNumber = command.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
//Remove the LIMIT command. There should always be a space before so take that out too.
command = command.Remove(limitIndex - 1, endIndex - limitIndex + 1);
//Insert the top command with the number
command = command.Replace("SELECT", "SELECT TOP " + limitNumber);
//Update the list
commandParts[i] = command;
start = -1;
//We need to go through the commands in reverse order and reassemble the complete command
for (int i = 0; i < processCommand.Length; i++)
//If we find a { its a part of the command that needs to be replaced
if (processCommand[i] == '{')
start = i;
if (processCommand[i] == '}')
string startString = processCommand.Substring(0, start);
string midString = processCommand.Substring(start, i - start + 1);
string endString = processCommand.Substring(i + 1);
//Get the index of the command we need from the list
int strIndex = Int32.Parse(midString.Substring(1, midString.Length - 2));
processCommand = processCommand.Replace(midString, commandParts[strIndex]);
//Go back to the start and look for the next
i = 0;
start = -1;
commandText = processCommand;
LogManager.Write(LogLevel.Error, "Unmatched parentheses were found while processing a SQL command. Command: " + commandText);
return commandText;