VSTO Word发布保存活动

时间:2016-04-15 20:48:41

标签: c# multithreading events vsto


我正在编写Word加载项,需要对使用Word对象模型无法实现的文档进行更改。因此,在将文档保存到磁盘后,我需要捕获该事件,关闭文件,执行我需要执行的操作并重新打开它。 (我知道,不是很优雅,但这就是我必须要合作的。)


所以我尝试在我的BeforeSave事件处理程序中显式调用Save self并返回Cancel = true。当用户选择保存或者曾经保存到磁盘时,这很有用。但是,如果用户在未保存的情况下关闭新文档,然后对是否要保存选择“是”,则在我从BeforeSave事件返回后已经处理了保存后,Word会显示另一个“SaveAs”对话框,即使我在BeforeSave事件处理程序中设置了Cancel = true。

然后我尝试使用BeforeClose事件做类似的事情。我处理关闭并保存自己,然后从我的事件处理程序返回Cancel = true。但是,当用户试图关闭应用程序时,这样做会阻止尝试关闭多个文档。



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当我写第一个Word AfterSave Event条目时,它是专为Word 2007而设计的,并且 - 事实证明 - 并非一帆风顺。所以我在这里更新了(感谢抓住Pat Lemm)。

文档关闭后,您永远无法访问已保存的文件名。所以,我已经在这里更新了代码,它现在可以在所有条件下运行,并且已经在Word 2013中进行了测试。


  1. 初始化后,将Word对象传递给它。
  2. 它附加于Before Save Event。
  3. 当发生任何保存事件时,它会启动一个循环的线程,直到后台保存完成。
  4. 完成后台保存后,它会检查文档是否已保存== true:

    • 如果已保存== true:则会进行常规保存。
    • 如果Saved == false:那么它必须是AutoSave
  5. 在每种情况下,它都会触发一个独特的事件:

    • AfterSaveUiEvent
    • AfterSaveEvent
    • AfterAutoSaveEvent



    public class WordSaveHandler
        public delegate void AfterSaveDelegate(Word.Document doc, bool isClosed);
        // public events
        public event AfterSaveDelegate AfterUiSaveEvent;
        public event AfterSaveDelegate AfterAutoSaveEvent;
        public event AfterSaveDelegate AfterSaveEvent;
        // module level
        private bool preserveBackgroundSave;
        private Word.Application oWord;
        string closedFilename = string.Empty;
        /// <summary>
        /// CONSTRUCTOR  takes the Word application object to link to.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oApp"></param>
        public WordSaveHandler(Word.Application oApp)
            oWord = oApp;
            // hook to before save
            oWord.DocumentBeforeSave += oWord_DocumentBeforeSave;
            oWord.WindowDeactivate += oWord_WindowDeactivate;
        /// <summary>
        /// Public property to get the name of the file
        /// that was closed and saved
        /// </summary>
        public string ClosedFilename
                return closedFilename;
        /// <summary>
        /// WORD EVENT  fires before a save event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Doc"></param>
        /// <param name="SaveAsUI"></param>
        /// <param name="Cancel"></param>
        void oWord_DocumentBeforeSave(Word.Document Doc, ref bool SaveAsUI, ref bool Cancel)
            // This could mean one of four things:
            // 1) we have the user clicking the save button
            // 2) Another add-in or process firing a resular Document.Save()
            // 3) A Save As from the user so the dialog came up
            // 4) Or an Auto-Save event
            // so, we will start off by first:
            // 1) Grabbing the current background save flag. We want to force
            //    the save into the background so that Word will behave 
            //    asyncronously. Typically, this feature is on by default, 
            //    but we do not want to make any assumptions or this code 
            //    will fail.
            // 2) Next, we fire off a thread that will keep checking the
            //    BackgroundSaveStatus of Word. And when that flag is OFF
            //    no know we are AFTER the save event
            preserveBackgroundSave = oWord.Options.BackgroundSave;
            oWord.Options.BackgroundSave = true;
            // kick off a thread and pass in the document object
            bool UiSave = SaveAsUI; // have to do this because the bool from Word
            // is passed to us as ByRef
            new Thread(() =>
                Handle_WaitForAfterSave(Doc, UiSave);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is the thread call that waits for the same to compelte. 
        /// The way we detect the After Save event is to essentially enter into
        /// a loop where we keep checking the background save status. If the
        /// status changes we know the save is compelte and we finish up by
        /// determineing which type of save it was:
        /// 1) UI
        /// 2) Regular
        /// 3) AutoSave
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Doc"></param>
        /// <param name="UiSave"></param>
        private void Handle_WaitForAfterSave(Word.Document Doc, bool UiSave)
                // we have a UI save, so we need to get stuck
                // here until the user gets rid of the SaveAs dialog
                if (UiSave)
                    while (isBusy())
                // check to see if still saving in the background
                // we will hang here until this changes.
                while (oWord.BackgroundSavingStatus > 0)
            catch (ThreadAbortException)
                // we will get a thread abort exception when Word
                // is in the process of closing, so we will
                // check to see if we were in a UI situation
                // or not
                if (UiSave)
                    AfterUiSaveEvent(null, true);
                    AfterSaveEvent(null, true);
                oWord.Options.BackgroundSave = preserveBackgroundSave;
                return; // swallow the exception
                // if it is a UI save, the Save As dialog was shown
                // so we fire the after ui save event
                if (UiSave)
                    // we need to check to see if the document is
                    // saved, because of the user clicked cancel
                    // we do not want to fire this event
                        if (Doc.Saved == true)
                            AfterUiSaveEvent(Doc, false);
                        // DOC is null or invalid. This occurs because the doc
                        // was closed. So we return doc closed and null as the
                        // document
                        AfterUiSaveEvent(null, true);
                    // if the document is still dirty
                    // then we know an AutoSave happened
                        if (Doc.Saved == false)
                            AfterAutoSaveEvent(Doc, false); // fire autosave event
                            AfterSaveEvent(Doc, false); // fire regular save event
                        // DOC is closed
                        AfterSaveEvent(null, true);
            catch { }
                // reset and exit thread
                oWord.Options.BackgroundSave = preserveBackgroundSave;
        /// <summary>
        /// WORD EVENT – Window Deactivate
        /// Fires just before we close the document and it
        /// is the last moment to get the filename
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Doc"></param>
        /// <param name="Wn"></param>
        void oWord_WindowDeactivate(Word.Document Doc, Word.Window Wn)
            closedFilename = Doc.FullName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if Word is busy  essentially that the File Save
        /// dialog is currently open
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oApp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool isBusy()
                // if we try to access the application property while
                // Word has a dialog open, we will fail
                object o = oWord.ActiveDocument.Application;
                return false; // not busy
                // so, Word is busy and we return true
                return true;


    public partial class ThisAddIn
        WordSaveHandler wsh = null;
        private void ThisAddIn_Startup(object sender,
                                        System.EventArgs e)
            // attach the save handler
            wsh = new WordSaveHandler(Application);
            wsh.AfterAutoSaveEvent += new WordSaveHandler.AfterSaveDelegate(wsh_AfterAutoSaveEvent);
            wsh.AfterSaveEvent += new WordSaveHandler.AfterSaveDelegate(wsh_AfterSaveEvent);
            wsh.AfterUiSaveEvent += new WordSaveHandler.AfterSaveDelegate(wsh_AfterUiSaveEvent);
        void wsh_AfterUiSaveEvent(Word.Document doc, bool isClosed)
            if (!isClosed)
                MessageBox.Show("After SaveAs Event");
                MessageBox.Show("After Close and SaveAs Event. The filname was: " + wsh.ClosedFilename);
        void wsh_AfterSaveEvent(Word.Document doc, bool isClosed)
            if (!isClosed)
                MessageBox.Show("After Save Event");
                MessageBox.Show("After Close and Save Event. The filname was: " + wsh.ClosedFilename);
        void wsh_AfterAutoSaveEvent(Word.Document doc, bool isClosed)
            MessageBox.Show("After AutoSave Event");
        // etc.