I have 4 modules in this service I'm creating. There's upload, association, read, and common. The first 3 modules each have their own wsdls that import a common xsd in the common module. I have the common generate an episode for the common xsd, but each of those modules still generate the same files, so I end up with 4 of each file that is defined in the common xsd.
Here is what I have in the common pom
<!-- breaks with schema imports -->
And here's a pom from one of the other modules (they are basically the same, just referring to different wsdls)
I also tried
But either way, I still end up with the files generated in the generated-sources/xjc/.../efolder/service/common in each module. And in the common I also have xjc/META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode which is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<bindings xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" if-exists="true" version="2.1">
This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11
See <a href="http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb">http://java.sun.com/xml/jaxb</a>
Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
Generated on: 2016.04.15 at 09:56:57 AM EDT
<bindings xmlns:tns="http://service.efolder.url/common" if-exists="true" scd="x-schema::tns">
<schemaBindings map="false">
<package name="url.efolder.service.common"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="~tns:EFolderFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.EFolderFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:VersionNotFoundFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.VersionNotFoundFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:InvalidDocTypeFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.InvalidDocTypeFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:ClaimNotFoundFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.ClaimNotFoundFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:InvalidClaimFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.InvalidClaimFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:InvalidDocCategoryFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.InvalidDocCategoryFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="tns:SeriesNotFoundFault">
<class ref="url.efolder.service.common.SeriesNotFoundFault"/>
<bindings if-exists="true" scd="~tns:eFolderFaultCategory">
<typesafeEnumClass ref="url.efolder.service.common.EFolderFaultCategory"/>
Any ideas on why it's still generating? Thanks
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如果你想避免默认(剧集文件),只需在你的插件配置中添加一个名为 episodeFile 的空元素。这对我有用,与maven-jaxb2-plugin(
有关 <configuration>