REST api service context and resources url

时间:2016-04-15 11:08:33

标签: java rest jersey jax-rs microservices

We have serveral services running on an application server and every service has a context. The name of the service is automatically added to the url, since there can be multiple services on the same application server.
Now we are creating a new service, which is called Draws, meaning the url will be


However, now the discussion is the api paths (Resources) to this service. Since we are getting draws, in my mind this should be draws. Which means it will have the url


2x draws - Thoughts?

There are thoughts here that the service does only have draws and therefor Draws/{gameNo} is enough.
But in my mind, draws resource is the api interface of the service, like Draws is the book in a library, draws is the chapter... And it should be possible to add more chapters to the book.

Then to implementation, we are using Jersey. That would mean we would have a resource with @Path("{gameNo}").

Edit 1:
There are gateways in front of our services, so the context will never be exposed to end users, it's only there to point to an specific service. Since multiple services can run on the same host:port

Edit 2:
Context part of the url is part of the service discovery lookup

Edit 3:
We are actually not versioning in url, but in Accept header, so actually my url is the same as clementinos but the version part of the url

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这是设计URI结构的可能方法。 请注意,这些段应该是小写的(所以不要使用'Draws')

  • 计划(例如http)
  • 主机是一个完全限定的主机名,是隐藏API实施的设备和物理位置的DNS别名。它包含有关非生产环境(test,int)时的环境信息。
  • 端口应该是默认的http端口(80),因此可以省略。其他端口可用于非生产环境。
  • api 路径将REST API与服务器提供的其他资源(例如webapp)分开。它通常是/ api的形式。对于仅提供REST apis的服务器,可以省略它。
  • api name 在一种包中收集一组资源。这是发布和版本控制的单位。
  • api版本是API的版本。它的格式为v [major-version-number]
  • 资源 路径由资源URI段组成

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对于Rest API设计,您可以阅读以下资源:


我也喜欢Github API。 (过去他们曾经建议我们阅读代码来提高我们的才能,现在你也可以阅读其他的API。)

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http://url:port/draws/ {gameNo}




最近,我发布了设计RESTful API时出现的最常见问题的摘要 - How To Design Practical RESTful API,这可能会有所帮助。