
时间:2016-04-15 06:07:15

标签: vba


Sub clue()
Dim name, room, weapon As String
Dim can, dag, lead, rev, rop, wre, total, least As Double
Dim row As Integer

Cells(1, 1).Activate
cam = 0
dag = 0
lead = 0
rev = 0
rop = 0
wre = 0
row = 1

Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)

name = ActiveCell.Value
room = ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value
weapon = ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value

Cells(row, 3).Value = name & " in the " & room & " with the " & weapon & "."

If weapon = "Candlestick" Then
    can = can + 1
End If
If weapon = "Dagger" Then
    dag = dag + 1
End If
If weapon = "Lead Pipe" Then
    lead = lead + 1
End If
If weapon = "Revolver" Then
    rev = rev + 1
End If
If weapon = "Rope" Then
    rop = rop + 1
End If
If weapon = "Wrench" Then
    wre = wre + 1
End If
row = row + 1

total = can + dag + lead + rev + rop + wre
Cells(2, 6) = can
Cells(3, 6) = dag
Cells(4, 6) = lead
Cells(5, 6) = rev
Cells(6, 6) = rop
Cells(7, 6) = wre

Cells(2, 7) = can / total
Cells(3, 7) = dag / total
Cells(4, 7) = lead / total
Cells(5, 7) = rev / total
Cells(6, 7) = rop / total
Cells(7, 7) = wre / total

least = 1000000000
If can < least Then least = can
If dag < can Then least = dag
If lead < dag Then least = lead
If rev < lead Then least = rev
If rop < rev Then least = rop
If wre < rop Then least = wre

Cells(10, 5) = least
End Sub

我正在尝试使用某些输入打印出一行中的句子,但随着输入的改变,我想打印下一行的下一句(因此行=行+ 1),但它一直说有&#34;溢出&#34;问题,我需要改变一些东西,但我不知道为什么。有谁知道吗?


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)




Dim row As Long


Byte        between 0 and 255.
Integer     between -32,768 and 32,767.
Long        between – 2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
Currency    between -922,337,203,685,477.5808 and 922,337,203’685,477.5807.
Single      between -3.402823E38 and 3.402823E38.
Double      between -1.79769313486232D308 and 1.79769313486232D308.

答案 1 :(得分:0)


请注意 Dim name, room, weapon As String
仅将weapon定义为string,其余为variant 正确的语法是
Dim name as string, room as string, weapon As String

答案 2 :(得分:0)


Option Explicit

Sub clue()

Dim can As Long, dag As Long, lead As Long, rev As Long, rop As Long, wre As Long, row As Long
Dim weapon As String
Dim roomsRng As Range, areaRng As Range, roomsReportRng As Range, finalStatsRng As Range, leastStatsRng As Range ' these are useful range variable. you'll set them and use to avoid loosing control over what you're actually handling

' here follows a section dedicated to setting relevant "ranges". this helps a lot in avoiding loosing control over what you're actually handling
With ActiveSheet 'always explicitly qualify which worksheet do you want to work with. "ActiveSheet" is the currently active one, but you may want to qualify 'Worksheets("MySheetName")'
    Set roomsRng = .Range("A1:A" & .cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row) 'set roomsRng range as the one collecting activesheet cells in column "A" down to the last non empty one
    Set roomsRng = roomsRng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlTextValues) 'select only non blank cells of "roomsRng" range (skip blanks)

    Set roomsReportRng = .cells(1, 3) ' set the range you start writing rooms report from
    Set finalStatsRng = .Range("F2") ' set the range you'll start writing final stats from
    Set leastStatsRng = .Range("E10") ' set the range you'll write the least found weapon number in
End With

For Each areaRng In roomsRng.Areas 'loop through all "Areas" of "roomsRng" range cells: an "Area" is a group of contiguous cells
    Call WriteRoomsReport(areaRng.cells, roomsReportRng, row, weapon) 'write room report
    Call UpdateWeaponsStats(weapon, can, dag, lead, rev, rop, wre) ' update weapons statistics
Next areaRng

Call WriteFinalStats(can, dag, lead, rev, rop, wre, finalStatsRng, leastStatsRng) ' write final statistics

End Sub

Sub WriteRoomsReport(roomCells As Range, reportCell As Range, row As Long, weapon As String)
Dim arr As Variant 'it'll be used as an array, see below

arr = Application.Transpose(roomCells) 'initialize the Variant as an array, filling it up with "roomCells" range content

reportCell.Offset(row).Value = arr(1) & " in the " & arr(2) & " with the " & arr(3) & "." 'write the report line

weapon = arr(3) ' store the weapon value to pass back to calling sub

row = row + 1 'update the row for subsequent use

End Sub

Sub UpdateWeaponsStats(weapon As String, can As Long, dag As Long, lead As Long, rev As Long, rop As Long, wre As Long)

' use "Select Case" pattern to avoid multiple and unuesful If-then repetition
' once a "case" is hit, its correspondant statements will be processed and then control passes to the statement following the "End Select" one
Select Case weapon
    Case "Candlestick"
        can = can + 1
    Case Is = "Dagger"
        dag = dag + 1
    Case "Lead Pipe"
        lead = lead + 1
    Case Is = "Revolver"
        rev = rev + 1
    Case "Rope"
        rop = rop + 1
    Case Is = "Wrench"
        wre = wre + 1
End Select

End Sub

Sub WriteFinalStats(can As Long, dag As Long, lead As Long, rev As Long, rop As Long, wre As Long, finalStatsRng As Range, leastStatsRng As Range)

Dim total As Long, least As Long
Dim weaponArr As Variant

total = can + dag + lead + rev + rop + wre
weaponArr = Array(can, dag, lead, rev, rop, wre)
With finalStatsRng.Resize(6) ' select a range of 6 cells in one clolumn, starting from the passed "finalStatsRng" range and resizing it up to enclose the subsequent 5 cells below it
    .Value = Application.Transpose(weaponArr) ' fill the selected range (using ".Value" property of the "Range" object) with the "array" technique
    With .Offset(, 1) ' shift one column to the right of selected range
        .FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[-1]/" & total ' write in all cells a formula that takes the value form the adjacent cell and divide it by the "total" variable value
        .Value = .Value ' have formulas replaced with values. you can comment this and cells will remain with formulas (they show the resulting values, but if you select one of them you'll see a formula in the formula ribbon of Excel UI
    End With
End With

leastStatsRng.Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(weaponArr) 'get the minimum value of all passed values calling the "MIN" function (which belongs to "WorksheetFuncion" object of the "Application" object -Excel) over the array filled with weapon countings

End Sub


  • 将代码分解为特定函数或subs

    让您通过&#34; main&#34;更好地控制代码流。 sub(应该是一系列语句,如&#34; Call DoThis()&#34;,&#34; Call DoThat()&#34;,...)并专注于特定的子/函数来处理特定的工作


  • 仅使用一些(众多)相关的VBA和Excel VBA技术,例如使用Range对象(请参阅Resize()Offset()End()SpecialCells()方法),数组(通过Variant类型变量),WorksheetFunction对象。


作为最后(和悲伤)的注释,我必须警告你:建立一个游戏最终会导致真正的&#34;真实的&#34; OOP,就像VBA一样。

应该&#34;建立游戏&#34;是你的真正目标,那么你最好立即切换到一些真正的OOP语言,如C#和相应的IDE,如Visual Studio(其Community Edition版本目前是免费的)