public class activityresult1 extends Activity {
ArrayList<DataInfo> itemList, selectedList;
Button buttonorder;
TextView textviewcard;
private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 10;
int[] image ={R.drawable.friednoodle, R.drawable.friedrice, R.drawable.steamfish,R.drawable.tehice};
String[] item = {"Fried Noodle", "Fried Rice", "Steam Fish","Iced Tea"};
String[] description = {"Classic Chinese stir fried noodle with prawn and Pork",
"Special sauce Fried Rice using indian rice", "HongKong Style Steamed Fish ","HongKong classical iced tea"};
String[] cost={"6","5","25","2"};
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras();
String strcardnumber = extras.getString("Card Number");
textviewcard = (TextView) findViewById(;
textviewcard.setText("Welcome, " + strcardnumber + " !" + "\nPlease select the food you want ! : ");
itemList = new ArrayList<DataInfo>();
itemList.add(new DataInfo(item[0], image[0], description[0], cost[0]));
itemList.add(new DataInfo(item[1], image[1], description[1], cost[1]));
itemList.add(new DataInfo(item[2], image[2], description[2], cost[2]));
itemList.add(new DataInfo(item[3], image[3], description[3], cost[3]));
final MenuAdapter adapter = new MenuAdapter(this);
ListView listView = (ListView)findViewById(;
for (int i = 0; i < item.length; i++) {
adapter.addData(String.valueOf(i), item[i], image[i], description[i], cost[i]);
buttonorder = (Button) findViewById(;
buttonorder.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String[] a = adapter.getQuantity();
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), "Noodle: " + a[0] + "\nRice: " + a[1] +
"\nSteam fish: " + a[2] + "\nIced tea: " + a[3], Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
int sum = 0;
if (!adapter.getQuantity()[0].equals(""))
//check whether checkbox is selected if yes, price +
sum += Integer.parseInt(adapter.getQuantity()[0])*Integer.parseInt(cost[0]);
if (!adapter.getQuantity()[1].equals(""))
sum += Integer.parseInt(adapter.getQuantity()[1])*Integer.parseInt(cost[1]);
if (!adapter.getQuantity()[2].equals(""))
sum += Integer.parseInt(adapter.getQuantity()[2])*Integer.parseInt(cost[2]);
if (!adapter.getQuantity()[3].equals(""))
sum += Integer.parseInt(adapter.getQuantity()[3])*Integer.parseInt(cost[3]);
Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), activityresult2.class);
Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.putString("Noodle quantity", adapter.getQuantity()[0]);
bundle.putString("Rice quantity", adapter.getQuantity()[1]);
bundle.putString("Fish quantity", adapter.getQuantity()[2]);
bundle.putString("Iced tea", adapter.getQuantity()[3]);
bundle.putInt("sum", sum);
bundle.putBoolean("ANI", adapter.getItem(0).isAddInisCheck());//add noodle ingredients
bundle.putBoolean("ARI", adapter.getItem(1).isAddInisCheck()); // add rice ingredients
bundle.putBoolean("AFI", adapter.getItem(2).isAddInisCheck());// add fish ingredients
bundle.putBoolean("AIT", adapter.getItem(3).isAddInisCheck()); // add ice tea ingredients
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_CODE);
如果选中该复选框,我想显示总和的值,这样我就可以显示总和。例如:我点了炒饭及其5美元,如果我勾选复选框,则活动结果2中的$ 5被添加到SUM中
addRingc 是我的复选框名称。当我检查我希望它取值并发送到活动结果2并显示金额和 SUM
public class activityresult2 extends Activity {
static public String txtOrder ="";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
String strfnq = bundle.getString("Noodle quantity");
String strfrq = bundle.getString("Rice quantity");
String strfsq = bundle.getString("Fish quantity");
String stricq = bundle.getString("Iced tea");
Integer strsum = bundle.getInt("sum");
boolean addNingc = bundle.getBoolean("ANI");
boolean addRingc = bundle.getBoolean("ARI");
boolean addFingc = bundle.getBoolean("AFI");
boolean addTingc = bundle.getBoolean("AIT");
boolean addmoneyc = bundle.getBoolean("AMY");
Intent mIntent = getIntent();
int sum = mIntent.getIntExtra("sum",strsum);
TextView costtext = (TextView)findViewById(;
TextView foodorders = (TextView) findViewById(;
String addNdlThing = "";
if (addNingc) {
addNdlThing = " with addition of ingredients";
String addRlThing = "";
if (addRingc) {
addRlThing = " with addition of ingredients";
String addSlThing = "";
if ( addFingc) {
addSlThing = " with addition of ingredients";
String addTeac = "";
if ( addTingc ) {
addTeac = " with addition of ingredients";
foodorders = (TextView) findViewById(;
if(strfnq.equals("") && strfrq.equals("") && strfsq.equals("")&& stricq.equals("")){
txtOrder = "Sorry, You've not ordered any thing , please return to previous menu to order";
}else if (!strfnq.equals("") && !strfrq.equals("") && !strfsq.equals("")&& stricq.equals("")) {
txtOrder = "Thank you , You've ordered\n" + strfnq + " fried noodle" + addNdlThing +" and\n"+ strfrq
+ " fried rice" + addRlThing +" and\n" + strfsq + " Steam fish " + addSlThing + "and\n" + stricq + " Steam fish " + addTeac;
} else {
txtOrder = "Thank you , You've ordered\n";
txtOrder = txtOrder + strfnq + " fried noodle" + addNdlThing;
txtOrder = txtOrder + strfrq + " fried rice" + addRlThing;
txtOrder = txtOrder + strfsq + " Steam fish" + addSlThing;
txtOrder = txtOrder + stricq + " Iced Tea"+ addTeac;