答案 0 :(得分:0)
我希望我明白这一点。基本上,如果有投诉,你想要一个接一个地检查每一行。如果有投诉,则应将其提取到例如其他工作表中。 尝试获取表格的长度,然后在“投诉日期”中检查每个单元格。如果有一个日期显示在另一张表/表/等中的整行。这段代码对此我的希望非常好。
Dim counter, lastrow As Integer
counter = 1
lastrow = Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row 'finds the last row in column A
For i = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(i,2) <> "No Complaints" Then
Cells(counter,x) 'Write the cell where you want(counter to have them one under the other)
counter = counter + 1
End If
Next i
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Sub test()
Dim lastrow As Long
Dim lastcolumn As Long
Dim printatsheet2 As Long
Dim actualset As Long
Dim recordno As String
Dim complaintdate As Date
Dim walkin As String
Dim conclusive As String
Dim typej As String
Dim typex As String
lastrow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
lastcolumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
printatoutput = Worksheets("Output").Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row + 1
actualset = (lastcolumn - 1) / 5
For i = 2 To lastrow
recordno = Cells(i, 1)
For j = 1 To actualset
If j = 1 Then
dd = j + 1 '7 '13
ee = (j + 5) '12 '18
dd = dd + 5
ee = ee + 5
End If
For k = dd To ee
If Cells(1, k) = "Complaint Date" And (Cells(i, k) <> "No Complaints" And Cells(i, k) <> "") Then
complaintdate = Cells(i, k)
ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#Walkin" Then
walkin = Cells(i, k)
ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#Conclusive" Then
conclusive = Cells(i, k)
ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#TypeJ" Then
typej = Cells(i, k)
ElseIf Cells(1, k) = "#TypeX" Then
typex = Cells(i, k)
End If
Next k
If complaintdate = CDate(0) And walkin = "" And conclusive = "" And typej = "" And typex = "" Then
With Worksheets("Output")
.Cells(printatoutput, 1) = recordno
.Cells(printatoutput, 2) = complaintdate
.Cells(printatoutput, 3) = walkin
.Cells(printatoutput, 4) = conclusive
.Cells(printatoutput, 5) = typej
.Cells(printatoutput, 6) = typex
printatoutput = printatoutput + 1
End With
'If complaintdate = CDate(0) Then complaintdate = CDate(0) Else complaintdate = complaintdate
complaintdate = CDate(0)
walkin = ""
conclusive = ""
typej = ""
typex = ""
End If
Next j
Next i
End Sub