Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements element = doc.select("section.row");
Element s = element.first();
Elements se = s.getElementsByTag("article");
for(Element link : se){
System.out.println("link :" + link.select("href"));
我要做的是获取文章类的所有链接。我想可能首先我必须选择section class =" row",然后在某种程度上得到文章类的链接,但我无法使它工作。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
Document doc = Jsoup.connect(url).get();
Elements section = doc.select("#main"); //select section with the id = main
Elements allArtTags = section.select("article"); // select all article tags in that section
for (Element artTag : allArtTags ){
Elements atags = artTag.select("a"); //select all a tags in each article tag
for(Element atag : atags){
System.out.println(atag.text()); //print the link text or
System.out.println(atag.attr("href"));//print link
答案 1 :(得分:0)
final Elements elements = doc.select("div.item_list_section.item_description");
private static ... inspectElement(Element e) {
try {
final String name = getAttr(e, "a[href]");
final String link = e.select("a").first().attr("href");
//final String price = getAttr(e, "span.item_price");
//final String category = getAttr(e, "span.item_category");
//final String spec = getAttr(e, "span.item_specs");
//final String datetime = e.select("time").attr("datetime");
catch (Exception ex) { return null; }
private static String getAttr(Element e, String what) {
try {
return e.select(what).first().text();
catch (Exception ex) { return ""; }