
时间:2016-04-13 18:14:46

标签: long-polling loadrunner vugen


  1. 打开长轮询GET连接
  2. 使用POST请求发送消息
  3. 断言在步骤1中打开的连接收到了相同的消息
  4. 我设法实现了第1步和第2步(我可以在服务器访问日志中看到发出了请求)但是在第3步我遇到了以下错误:


    错误-27653:尝试从未连接的套接字读取(“连接:   关闭“指定但未检测到服务器端关闭”。   URL =“https:// {Env} / chat / poll /”[MsgId:MERR-27653]


    警告-27764:请求“https:// {Env} / chat / poll /”失败[在Action.c(76)发布]     [MsgId:MWAR-27764]



    int done;
        int HttpRetCode;
        int i = 5;
        // Initialize the global done state variable, and start the async transaction variable
        done = 0;
        // Define the request to be handled asynchronously
        // Specify the callback functions that will be called when the response is returned.
        // The callback functions are defined below.     
        // now make the async call.
        // note that the script will not block on this call.  processing will continue on past this step while the request is handles asynchronously
        // Send interop message
        lr_message("Send interop message");
        web_add_header("X-Session-ID", "sessionA");
        web_custom_request("Push interop message",
        HttpRetCode = web_get_int_property(HTTP_INFO_RETURN_CODE); 
         if (HttpRetCode != 201) {  
            lr_error_message("Unexpected return code: %d", HttpRetCode); 
            lr_end_transaction("/chat/.POST.201", LR_FAIL); 
        } else {ev
            lr_end_transaction("/chat/.POST.201", LR_AUTO);
        lr_message("Waiting for response");
        // To capture the response time of the async call, wait until the callback is called.
        // Without this, the script would move past and complete the iteration before the callback is called.     
        // To capture the response time of the async call, wait until the callback is called.
        // Without this, the script would move past and complete the iteration before the callback is called.
        while (done==0 && i-- > 0)
        // once the callback has been called, end the transaction to get the response time.      
        lr_end_transaction("async-call", LR_AUTO);
       // stop the polling
        return 0;
    *    Callback Implementation
    int Poll_0_RequestCB()
        //enter your implementation for RequestCB() here
        lr_message("in Poll_0_RequestCB request callback");
        return WEB_ASYNC_CB_RC_OK;
    int Poll_0_ResponseBodyBufferCB(
        const char *    aLastBufferStr,
        int                aLastBufferLen,
        const char *    aAccumulatedStr,
        int                aHttpStatusCode)
        //enter your implementation for ResponseBodyBufferCB() here
        // when the response is received, update the global variable
        done = 1;
        // print out the response body and length
        lr_message("in Poll_0_ResponseBodyBufferCB response body callback");
        lr_message("in Poll_0_ResponseBodyBufferCB response body callback, lastBufferLen=%d", aLastBufferLen);
        return WEB_ASYNC_CB_RC_OK;
    int Poll_0_ResponseCB(
        const char *    aResponseHeadersStr,
        int                aResponseHeadersLen,
        const char *    aResponseBodyStr,
        int                aResponseBodyLen,
        int                aHttpStatusCode)
        //enter your implementation for ResponseCB() here
        lr_message("in Poll_0_ResponseCB response callback, headerLen=%d, bodyLen=%d", aResponseHeadersLen, aResponseBodyLen);
        lr_message("in Poll_0_ResponseCB response callback, header=%s", aResponseHeadersStr);
        lr_message("in Poll_0_ResponseCB response callback, body=%s", aResponseBodyStr);
        return WEB_ASYNC_CB_RC_OK;


    Action.c(19): Notify: Transaction "async-call" started.
    Action.c(25): web_reg_async_attributes started      [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(25): Warning -26318: When "Pattern" is not "Poll", "PollIntervalMs" is ignored     [MsgId: MWAR-26318]
    Action.c(25): web_reg_async_attributes highest severity level was "warning"     [MsgId: MMSG-26391]
    Action.c(36): web_url("Poll_0") started     [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(36): "ID=poll_0" && "Pattern=LongPoll" now applied to URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=3)     [MsgId: MMSG-35172]
    in Poll_0_RequestCB request callback
    Action.c(36): Retaining cross-step download of URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=3)     [MsgId: MMSG-27658]
    Action.c(36): web_url("Poll_0") was successful, 0 body bytes, 0 header bytes    [MsgId: MMSG-26386]
    Action.c(41): lr_force_think_time: 10.00 seconds.
    Send interop message
    Action.c(46): Notify: Transaction "/chat/.POST.201" started.
    Action.c(48): web_add_header("X-Session-ID") started    [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(48): web_add_header("X-Session-ID") was successful     [MsgId: MMSG-26392]
    Action.c(50): web_custom_request("Push interop message") started    [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(50): Retaining cross-step download of URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=3)     [MsgId: MMSG-27658]
    Action.c(50): Retaining cross-step download of URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=3)     [MsgId: MMSG-27658]
    Action.c(50): Retaining cross-step download of URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/" (RelFrameId=1, Internal ID=3)     [MsgId: MMSG-27658]
    Action.c(50): web_custom_request("Push interop message") was successful, 0 body bytes, 377 header bytes     [MsgId: MMSG-26386]
    Action.c(58): web_get_int_property started      [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(58): web_get_int_property was successful   [MsgId: MMSG-26392]
    Action.c(64): Notify: Transaction "/chat/.POST.201" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 1.3904 Wasted Time: 0.0033).
    Waiting for response
    Action.c(76): lr_force_think_time: 1.00 seconds.
    Action.c(76): Error -27653: Attempted read from an unconnected socket ("Connection: close" specified but server-side closure not detected). URL="https://{Env}/chat/poll/"      [MsgId: MERR-27653]
    Action.c(36): Warning -27764: Request "https://{Env}/chat/poll/" failed   [issued at Action.c(76)]      [MsgId: MWAR-27764]
    Action.c(76): Notify: Deleting Conversation Information with ID="poll_0"
    Action.c(76): lr_force_think_time: 1.00 seconds.
    Action.c(76): lr_force_think_time: 1.00 seconds.
    Action.c(76): lr_force_think_time: 1.00 seconds.
    Action.c(76): lr_force_think_time: 1.00 seconds.
    Action.c(80): Notify: Transaction "async-call" ended with "Pass" status (Duration: 19.0076 Think Time: 16.5943 Wasted Time: 0.0043).
    Action.c(83): web_stop_async started    [MsgId: MMSG-26355]
    Action.c(83): Warning -26000: Failed to find conversation with ID="poll_0" for stopping     [MsgId: MWAR-26000]
    Action.c(83): web_stop_async highest severity level was "warning"   [MsgId: MMSG-26391]
    Ending action Action.

    我正在使用VuGen 11.52和C API

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