
时间:2016-04-13 11:29:20

标签: android-studio

我正在使用Android Studio 1.5.1,当我打开Android Studio时,我在控制台中出现错误 - “加载项目时出错:无法加载3个方面详情......”

4:42:06 PM Error Loading Project: Cannot load 3 facets Details...
4:42:09 PM Plugins Suggestion
           Unknown features (Run Configuration[AndroidRunConfigurationType], Facet[android, android-gradle]) covered by disabled plugin detected.
           Enable plugins...
           Ignore Unknown Features

enter image description here


10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:101)

打开android studio后,打开设置并转到插件,然后执行以下步骤

  1. 禁用firebase服务
  2. 启用android支持插件
  3. 重启android studio
  4. 转到设置,然后转到插件
  5. 启用firebase服务插件
  6. 重启android studio

答案 1 :(得分:96)

解决方案:错误加载-项目不能负荷-3-面-细节。 启动android studio时,请转到文件,然后设置 - >插件 - >启用Android支持插件

答案 2 :(得分:12)

启用Android支持插件(文件 - >设置 - >插件 - > Android支持)后,如果您使用的是Firebase服务插件,则可能需要停用Firebase服务,确保已启用Google服务,单击“应用”,最后重新启用Firebase服务。

答案 3 :(得分:10)


当我收到“Facets”错误时,我正在使用Android Studio 3.0.1Gradle 4.1。我通过执行以下操作来修复它。

  1. 停止AS。如果AS 挂起,请强制它停止使用任务管理器。

  2. 重启AS。如果你有错误和没有办法去找文件>设置 ......,你可能就在我身边。请继续阅读。

  3. 如果您有一个与此类似的弹出窗口facets ...

  4. enter image description here

    1. ...查看 Gradle控制台。如果您收到消息Problems found loading plugins,则会显示错误列表,其中显示“required plugin Android支持已停用, followed by a message that has a link saying " ... 显示气球 )`,点击该链接

    2. 该链接可以选择Choose to 启用Android支持`。这样做。

    3. 重启AS。

    4. 如果你可以到File > Settings并且没有错误,那很好。我想你已经完成了。

    5. 但是遇到了新的错误,所以你也可以:

      1. 如果您收到此错误...

        Info:Gradle tasks [clean, :app:generateDebugSources, 
        Error:Failed to complete Gradle execution.
        Cause: **Write access is allowed from event dispatch thread only**
      2. ...转到File -> Project Structure -> SDK Location

      3. 选中Use embedded JDK框。

      4. jdk location设为C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\jre

      5. 我的路径设置为C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio 1 \jre 1 有点令人不安,但好到目前为止。)

        1. 点击OK并退出Settings

        2. 选择RunDebug(或Run …Debug …)。

        3. (如果您仍有问题,请查看上面和下面的其他答案。)这和我能做的一样好。对不起,如果它没有帮助。


          Facet errors (I ignored the popup.)
          Plugin errors (but no access to File Settings)
          Write access only from dispatch thread (for which the fix seems unrelated).

答案 4 :(得分:4)

对我来说,我去Settings -> Plugins并取消选择Gradle然后立即重新选择它,让Android重新启动然后禁用Flutter插件,让它重新启动。有关详细信息,请参阅this fuller answer

答案 5 :(得分:3)

打开android studio,打开设置,然后转到插件,现在禁用所有插件并重新启动android studio。重新启动android studio后,打开设置,然后转到插件,现在启用所有插件,然后重新启动android studio。在那之后应该可以工作。

答案 6 :(得分:2)

转到<?php $introverted =0; $extroverted =0; $observant =0; $intuitive =0; $thinking =0; $feeling =0; $judging =0; $prospecting =0; $assertive =0; $turbulent =0; if (isset ($_POST['submit'])){ foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value){ if ($key != "submit"){ $dbQuery1 = $db->prepare("select * FROM answerPT WHERE answerID = '".$value."'"); $dbQuery1-> execute(); while ($dbRow = $dbQuery1->fetch (PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)){ $answerTypeID=$dbRow["answerTypeID"]; $dbQuery2 = $db->prepare("select * FROM answerType WHERE answerTypeID = '".$answerTypeID."'"); $dbQuery2-> execute(); while ($dbRow2=$dbQuery2->fetch()){ $answerType=$dbRow2["answerType"]; if($answerType=='introverted'){ $introverted++; } if($answerType=='extroverted'){ $extroverted++; } if($answerType=='observant'){ $observant++; } if($answerType=='intuitive'){ $intuitive++; } if($answerType=='thinking'){ $thinking++; } if($answerType=='feeling'){ $feeling++; } if($answerType=='judging'){ $judging++; } if($answerType=='prospecting'){ $prospecting++; } if($answerType=='assertive'){ $assertive++; } if($answerType=='turbulent'){ $turbulent++; } } } $dbQuery=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO `userResponse` VALUES (:studentID, :questionID, :answerID)"); $dbParams=array('studentID'=>$_SESSION["currentUser"], 'questionID'=>$key, 'answerID'=>$value); $dbQuery->execute($dbParams); } } } $introvertedStore = "empty"; $extrovertedStore = "empty"; $observantStore = "empty"; $intuitiveStore = "empty"; $thinkingStore = "empty"; $feelingStore = "empty"; $judgingStore = "empty"; $prospectingStore = "empty"; $assertiveStore = "empty"; $turbulentStore = "empty"; if ($introverted>$extroverted){ $total = $introverted - $extroverted; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly introverted"; $introvertedStore = 'Mildly introverted'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately introverted"; $introvertedStore = 'Moderately introverted'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly introverted"; $introvertedStore = 'Strongly introverted'; } } else { $total = $extroverted - $introverted; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly extroverted"; $extrovertedStore = 'Mildly extroverted'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately extroverted"; $extrovertedStore = 'Moderately extroverted'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly extroverted"; $extrovertedStore = 'Strongly extroverted'; } } if ($introvertedStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, mind) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$introvertedStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($extrovertedStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, mind) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$extrovertedStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($observant>$intuitive){ $total = $observant - $intuitive; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly observant"; $observantStore = 'Mildly observant'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately observant"; $observantStore = 'Moderately observant'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly observant"; $observantStore = 'Strongly observant'; } } else { $total = $intuitive - $observant; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly intuitive"; $intuitiveStore = 'Mildly intuitive'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately intuitive"; $intuitiveStore = 'Moderately intuitive'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly intuitive"; $intuitiveStore = 'Strongly intuitive'; } } if ($observantStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, energy) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$observantStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($intuitiveStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, energy) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$intuitiveStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($thinking>$feeling){ $total = $thinking - $feeling; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly thinking"; $thinkingStore = 'Mildly thinking'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately thinking"; $thinkingStore = 'Moderately thinking'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly thinking"; $thinkingStore = 'Strongly thinking'; } } else { $total = $feeling - $thinking; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly feeling"; $feelingStore = 'Mildly feeling'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately feeling"; $feelingStore = 'Moderately feeling'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly feeling"; $feelingStore = 'Strongly feeling'; } } if ($introvertedStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, nature) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$thinkingStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($extrovertedStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, nature) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$feelingStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($judging>$prospecting){ $total = $judging - $prospecting; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly judging"; $judgingStore = 'Mildly judging'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately judging"; $judgingStore = 'Moderately judging'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly judging"; $judgingStore = 'Strongly judging'; } } else { $total = $prospecting - $judging; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly prospecting"; $prospectingStore = 'Mildly prospecting'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately prospecting"; $prospectingStore = 'Moderately prospecting'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly prospecting"; $prospectingStore = 'Strongly prospecting'; } } if ($judgingStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, tactics) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$judgingStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($prospectingStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, tactics) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$prospectingStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($assertive>$turbulent){ $total = $assertive - $turbulent; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly assertive"; $assertiveStore = 'Mildly assertive'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately assertive"; $assertiveStore = 'Moderately assertive'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly assertive"; $assertiveStore = 'Strongly assertive'; } } else { $total = $turbulent - $assertive; if ($total == 1){ echo "Mildly turbulent"; $turbulentStore = 'Mildly turbulent'; } if ($total == 2){ echo "Moderately turbulent"; $turbulentStore = 'Moderately turbulent'; } if ($total == 3){ echo "Strongly turbulent"; $turbulentStore = 'Strongly turbulent'; } } if ($assertiveStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, identity) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$assertiveStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } if ($turbulentStore != "empty"){ $dbQuery2=$db->prepare("INSERT INTO personalityType (studentNumber, identity) VALUE ('$currentUser', '$turbulentStore')"); $dbQuery2->execute(); } ?> 。确保选中Settings -> Plugins -> Android APK Support检查字段。如果没有,请检查并重新启动Android Studio。

答案 7 :(得分:0)


在Android Studio的启动过程中,我注意到Windows Defender正在生成标题为“未经授权的更改被阻止-受控文件夹访问被阻止...”的通知。

Windows 10具有一项称为“受控文件访问”的功能,据说可以防止程序修改C:\驱动器上的文件。 通过关闭此“功能”,Android Studio终于可以再次使用! 另外,您可以将某些程序文件(.exe)列入白名单,还需要允许studio.exe,studio64.exe和一些git可执行文件。从理论上讲,这也应该起作用。

答案 8 :(得分:0)

以下解决方案可能会帮助某人,它在Android Studio(Ubuntu)中始终对我有用







它可能已经启用,如果尚未启用,请启用它。 如果已启用,则将其禁用,然后重新启用。

然后确定>>应用并重新启动Android Studio。

如果不能解决问题,请禁用所有pugins,然后重新启用。 我希望它能起作用

答案 9 :(得分:0)

这件事发生在我身上。您所需要做的就是进入设置->插件,然后禁用所有应用程序并重新启动android studio。然后再次重新启用它们并重新启动。锻炼后你应该没事