
时间:2016-04-12 22:13:19

标签: assembly x86 masm32 irvine32


INCLUDE    c:\irvine\irvine32.inc
INCLUDELIB c:\irvine\irvine32.lib
INCLUDELIB c:\masm32\lib\user32.lib
INCLUDELIB c:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib

theSINTArray BYTE 25 dup(?)
lengthOfArray BYTE ?
indexCounter BYTE 0              
prompt BYTE "Please enter a value: ",0


main PROC

    call    requestSignedInts
    call    calculateMean

main ENDP

requestSignedInts PROC

    mov     edx, offset theSINTArray
    push    edx                                        
    mov     edx,OFFSET prompt                          
    call    WriteString                                
    call    ReadInt
    pop     edx 
    mov     [edx], al
    inc     edx
    cmp     edx, offset theSINTArray + 25
    jb      Next

requestSignedInts ENDP

calculateMean PROC

push ecx
mov    ecx,lengthOfArray - theSINTArray ; Determine array length    
xor    eax, eax                         ; Clear EAX
mov    esi, OFFSET theSINTArray         ; Starting point for index into array
movsx  edx, byte ptr[esi]               ; Sign extended move a byte into EDX
add    eax, edx                         ; Accumulate in EAX
inc    esi                              ; Increment source pointer to the next element
loop   calcMean                         ; or cmp esi,endOfArray / jb, then you wouldn't need to touch ecx

mov    ecx,lengthOfArray - theSINTArray ; Determine array length    
cdq                                     ; sign-extend eax into edx:eax
idiv   ecx                              ; Divide edx:eax by ecx
                                        ; eax now contains the integer and edx contains
                                        ; the remainder.
pop    ecx

calculateMean ENDP

END     main

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


calculateMean PROC

push ecx
mov    ecx,lengthOfArray - theSINTArray ; Determine array length    
xor    eax, eax                         ; Clear EAX
mov    esi, theSINTArray                ; Starting point for index into array
movsx  edx, byte ptr[esi]               ; Sign extended move a byte into EDX
add    eax, edx                         ; Accumulate in EAX
inc    esi                              ; Increment source pointer to the next element
loop   calcMean                         ; or cmp esi,endOfArray / jb, then you wouldn't need to touch ecx

mov    ecx,lengthOfArray - theSINTArray ; Determine array length    
cdq                                     ; sign-extend eax into edx:eax
idiv   ecx                              ; Divide edx:eax by ecx
                                        ; eax now contains the integer and edx contains
                                        ; the remainder.
pop    ecx

calculateMean ENDP


答案 1 :(得分:1)



SBYTEArray BYTE 25 dup(?)     ; SINT = signed int, which makes most x86 C programmers think 32bit
; lengthOfArray BYTE ?        ; totally bogus: named wrong, and there doesn't need to be any storage there
; SBYTEArray_len equ $ - SBYTEArray  ; that's NASM syntax and IDK the MASM syntax
SBYTEArray_end:                  ; SBYTEArray_end and prompt have the same address.  That's fine.

prompt BYTE "Please enter a value: ",0      ; If MASM/Windows has a .rodata section, you should put constant data there.  It goes in the text section, along with code, because each instance of your process doesn't need a private copy.

main PROC
    call    requestSignedInts
    call    calculateMean
main ENDP

requestSignedInts PROC
    ; indent code one level deeper than labels / directives
    push    esi                     ; save a call-preserved reg
    mov     esi, offset SBYTEArray

    mov     edx,OFFSET prompt
    call    WriteString
    call    ReadInt
    mov     [esi], al
    inc     esi
    ; cmp     edx, offset SBYTEArray + 25  ; hard-coding the size defeats the purpose of defining lengthOfArray
    cmp     esi, offset SBYTEArray_end
    jb      Next

    pop     esi          ; note that the push/pop are outside the loop
requestSignedInts ENDP

calculateMean PROC
    ; push ecx          ; The normal function-call ABIs allow clobbering ecx, and I don't see any reason to make this function go beyond the ABI requirements (although that is an option in asm)
    ; push   esi          ; esi *is* call-preserved in the standard 32bit ABIs.  But by changing our function to use fewer registers, we can avoid the save/restore

    xor    eax, eax                         ; start with sum=0
    mov    ecx, offset SBYTEArray

    movsx  edx, byte ptr[ecx]
    add    eax, edx
    inc    ecx
    cmp    ecx, offset SBYTEArray_end
    jb     calcMean                         ; loop while our pointer is below the end pointer

    mov    ecx, SBYTEArray_end - SBYTEArray ; Determine array length.  Does this need OFFSET?
    idiv   ecx
    ; pop esi         ; we ended up not needing it
calculateMean ENDP

END Main

loop is slow, avoid it. Esp。当你可以通过使用其他东西来保存寄存器来保存寄存器时。