
时间:2016-04-12 08:13:46

标签: javascript angularjs angular-ui-router

我对使用父状态controllerresolve验证(用户身份验证)的天气感到困惑。  这是示例代码。

          .state('dashboard.action.seller.manageproduct', {
                url: '/manageProduct',
                template: '<div ui-view></div>',
                abstract : true,
               	controller : function(userRolesFactory){ 
                       Here i can resolve or validate all the user roles and make decision wether to go it's                            chaild state or not for all it chaild states
               resolve: {
                    userRoles: ['userRolesFactory', function(userRolesFactory) {
                       Here also i can resolve or validate all the user roles and make decision wether to go it's                            chaild state or not for all it chaild states

            .state('dashboard.action.seller.manageproduct.add', {
                url: '/addProduct',
               // templateUrl: 'module/dashboard/actiontab/seller/manageproduct/view/addProduct.html',
               // controller: 'fos.dashboard.actiontab.seller.manageproduct.addproductController',
                requireLogin: true
            .state('dashboard.action.seller.manageproduct.edit', {
                url: '/editProduct',
              //  templateUrl: 'module/dashboard/actiontab/seller/manageproduct/view/editProduct.html',
             //   controller: 'fos.dashboard.actiontab.seller.manageproduct.editProductController',
                params: {
                    product: null
                requireLogin: true


  • 哪一个最适合验证(controller级别或resolve)。

  • 不希望在所有验证之前显示我的孩子状态模板

  • 将来我可能会做很多验证。


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