我有3个一维数组Topic(), SubTopic() and Description()
ReDim info(1 To Topic(), 1 To SubTopic(), 1 To Description())
p = 1
info(p, 0, 0) = Topic(p)
info(p, 1, 0) = SubTopic(p)
info(p, 0, 2) = Description(p)
MsgBox "array value" & info(p, 0, 0) & "and" & info(p, 1, 0) & "and" & info(p, 0, 2)
p = p + 1
Loop Until p > noDescription
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Function CombineArrays(ParamArray Arrays() As Variant) As Variant
'Takes a list of 1-dimensional arrays
'And returns a single array
'The arrays are assumed to have the same base
'But not necessarily the same length
'The arrays form the columns of the result
Dim A As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, lb As Long, ub As Long, m As Long
'first find LBound -- assumed to be common
lb = LBound(Arrays(0))
'now find the maximum ubound:
For i = LBound(Arrays) To UBound(Arrays)
If UBound(Arrays(i)) > ub Then ub = UBound(Arrays(i))
Next i
'now redim and return final array
m = lb + UBound(Arrays)
ReDim A(lb To ub, lb To m)
For j = lb To m
For i = lb To UBound(Arrays(j - lb))
A(i, j) = Arrays(j - lb)(i)
Next i
Next j
CombineArrays = A
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim Larry(1 To 4)
Dim Curly(1 To 2)
Dim Moe(1 To 3)
Dim A As Variant
Larry(1) = 1
Larry(2) = 2
Larry(3) = 3
Larry(4) = 4
Curly(1) = "A"
Curly(2) = "B"
Moe(1) = "X"
Moe(2) = "Y"
Moe(3) = "Z"
A = CombineArrays(Larry, Curly, Moe)
Range("A1:C4").Value = A
End Sub
1 A X
2 B Y
3 Z