如何衡量Oracle Configurator模块与通用UI的时间改进?

时间:2016-04-11 20:19:37

标签: oracle plsql

我的公司一直在转换模型以使用Oracle R12 Configurator模块而不是默认的基于BOM的UI,我需要测量这项工作节省的时间。我一直在处理一个问题,以帮助我回答这个问题,而且我遇到了问题。我是分析师,而不是DBA,并且对表有只读权限。



-- Query to pull dates for orders for active OAC models
-- ~135 minutes runtime
-- Really only need item id(# or description), time, and Configurator-type flag,
-- plus order number to check outliers.
SELECT oh.order_number                as "oh.order_number",
   oh.creation_date               as "oh.creation_date",
   cz.config_rev_nbr              as "cz.config_rev_nbr",
   cz.ui_def_id                   as "cz.ui_def_id", 
-- using above to separate default BOM UI from "Advanced" Configurator
-- NULL is default, non-NULL is custom - I think.
   ol.ordered_item                as "ol.ordered_item",
   pubs.description               as "item_description",
   (cz.creation_date-ol.creation_date)*1440 as "configuration_time", 
-- in minutes. 
-- trying to measure time spent from clicking "Configure", to returning to order lines. 
-- I don't think this works anymore with left-join on cz table.
   mp.creation_date                    as "first_published",
   mp.last_update_date                 as "last_OAC_update"
FROM cz.cz_config_hdrs cz,
   ont.oe_order_lines_all ol,
   ont.oe_order_headers_all oh,
   cz.cz_model_publications mp,
   (SELECT si.segment1 item_name,
      FROM cz.cz_model_publications mp, inv.mtl_system_items_b si
     WHERE 1 = 1
       AND mp.top_item_id = si.inventory_item_id
       AND si.organization_id = mp.organization_id
       AND deleted_flag = 0
       AND disabled_flag = 0
       AND sysdate BETWEEN applicable_from AND applicable_until
       AND export_status = 'OK'
       AND object_type = 'PRJ'
       AND source_target_flag = 'T' --only target publications
       AND publication_mode = 'p') pubs 
-- above subquery shows which models currently have an active publication. 
-- adapted from http://www.softraction.com/2013_06_01_archive.html
WHERE ol.config_header_id = cz.config_hdr_id(+) 
-- had to left join to pull in more orders before publication
  AND oh.order_source_id = 22 -- need this to exclude sources other than regular users
  AND oh.flow_status_code in ('BOOKED', 'CLOSED')
/*   AND ol.config_rev_nbr = cz.config_rev_nbr(+)*/ -- can't have multiple left joins on cz
  AND ol.header_id = oh.header_id
  AND ol.ordered_item = pubs.item_name
/*   AND cz.component_id(+) = pubs.model_id*/  -- can't have multiple left joins on cz
  AND cz.ui_def_id = mp.ui_def_id(+);

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