实现异常处理ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException Java

时间:2016-04-11 18:41:18

标签: java try-catch indexoutofboundsexception



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我的任务是编写程序来读取文件并将所有数字放入2D数组中。我得到了起点,并被告知编写一个程序,通过在堆栈中添加坐标来导航迷宫。 它移动到数组中的一个坐标,并以顺时针方向检查坐标,以查看是否存在潜在移动。 我让程序运行顺畅,输出正确。






import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
import stackpackage.*;
public class mazeDriver {

public static void main(String[] args)
    File inputFile = new File("maze1.txt");
    Scanner in = new Scanner(inputFile);
    int rows = getRows(in);
    int columns = getColumns(in);
    int[][]maze = createMaze(in, rows, columns);
    int sRow = getSRow(in);
    int sColumn = getSColumn(in);
    Coordinate start = new Coordinate(sRow, sColumn);
    GoodStack stack = new GoodStack();
    GoodStack answerStack = mazeRunner(start, maze, stack, columns, rows);
public static int getRows(Scanner in){
    int rows = in.nextInt();
    return rows;
public static int getColumns(Scanner in){
    int columns = in.nextInt();
    return columns;
public static int[][] createMaze(Scanner in, int rows, int columns){
    int[][]maze = new int[rows][columns];
    int rowAccumulator = 0;
    int columnAccumulator = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i <= (rows*columns)-1; i++){
        int value = in.nextInt();
        maze[rowAccumulator][columnAccumulator] = value;
        if (columnAccumulator == columns - 1){
            columnAccumulator = 0;
            rowAccumulator += 1;
            columnAccumulator += 1;
        return maze;
public static int getSRow(Scanner in){
    int sRow = in.nextInt();
    return sRow;
public static int getSColumn(Scanner in){
    int sColumn = in.nextInt();
    return sColumn;

This method is what searches through the maze in a clockwise direction.
@param The starting point coordinates, the 2d array of the maze, the empty             stack, and the maze size
@return The stack of coordinates to navigate the maze
public static GoodStack mazeRunner(Coordinate startingPoint, int[][]array,      GoodStack stack, int columns, int rows){
    array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1; // Sets   the starting coordinate to 1
    stack.push(startingPoint); // Adds the point to the stack
    boolean finish = false; // Sets the value to false until the maze is   finished
    int skipFirst = 0; // this is a counter I used so that it does not exit on it's first run

while(finish ==  false){ // Create a loop to run until the maze has been finished
    if(inBounds(startingPoint.getRow()-1, startingPoint.getColumn(), rows, columns)){ // checks if the array location is in the array
        if (array[startingPoint.getRow()-1][startingPoint.getColumn()] == 0){ // checks if the value of that location is 0.
            Coordinate location = new Coordinate(startingPoint.getRow()-1 , startingPoint.getColumn()); // creates a coordinate instance of the location
            stack.push(location);// pushes the location onto the stack
            array[startingPoint.getRow()-1][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1; // sets the array value to 1 for that location
            startingPoint = location; // makes the location the next search point
            skipFirst +=1; // adds to the counter
            continue;}} // skips the rest of the loop and moves on to the next iteration
    // The next three if statements have the same effect as the last one, the only difference being it checks in the other three directions
    if(inBounds(startingPoint.getRow(),startingPoint.getColumn() + 1, rows, columns)){  
        if(array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()+1] == 0){
            Coordinate location = new Coordinate(startingPoint.getRow(), startingPoint.getColumn()+ 1);
            array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn() + 1] = 1;
            startingPoint = location;
            skipFirst +=1;

    if(inBounds(startingPoint.getRow()+1, startingPoint.getColumn(), rows, columns)){   
        if(array[startingPoint.getRow()+1][startingPoint.getColumn()] == 0){
            Coordinate location = new Coordinate(startingPoint.getRow()+1, startingPoint.getColumn());
            array[startingPoint.getRow()+1][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1;
            startingPoint = location;
            skipFirst +=1;

    if(inBounds(startingPoint.getRow(),startingPoint.getColumn()-1, rows, columns)){        
        if(array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()-1] == 0){
            Coordinate location = new Coordinate(startingPoint.getRow(), startingPoint.getColumn()-1);
            array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()-1] = 1;
            startingPoint = location;
            skipFirst +=1;
    if(mazeExit(startingPoint.getRow(), startingPoint.getColumn(), rows, columns)){ // Checks to see if there is a potential exit
        if(skipFirst>2){ // This makes sure that it does not exit the maze from the entry
            finish = true; // Sets the boolean to true to stop the while loop
            return stack;}} // And returns the stack of coordinates
     // This  code happens only if it does not find any 0's to travel to    
    array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1; // sets the space it is on to 1
    stack.pop(); // removes the space from the stack 
    Coordinate nextStart = (Coordinate)stack.peek(); // takes the top coordinate off of the stack
    startingPoint = nextStart; // sets the top coordinate to the starting search point

return stack;

This method checks the coordinates that are about to be check to see if they are inside the array
@param The row and column that is being checked and the size of the array
@return boolean value
public static boolean inBounds(int row, int column, int arrayRow, int  arrayColumn){
    boolean result = false;
    if (row <= arrayRow -1 && row >= 0 && column <= arrayColumn-1 && column  >= 0){ // checks to see if the coordinate is in the array
    result = true;}
    return result;
This method is what searches through the maze in a clockwise direction.
@param The starting point coordinates, the 2d array of the maze, the empty  stack, and the maze size
@return The stack of coordinates to navigate the maze
public static boolean mazeExit(int row, int column, int arrayRow, int    arrayColumn){
    boolean result = false;
    // This method checks all four directions to see if there is a potential  exit
    if(row == arrayRow-1){
        result = true;}
    if(column == arrayColumn-1){
        result = true;}
    if(row == 0){
        result = true;}
    if(column == 0){
        result = true;}

    return result;}
This method reverses the order of the coordinates and prints it out.
@param The stack of coordinates
public static void coursePrint(GoodStack stack){
    List<Coordinate> list = new ArrayList<Coordinate>(); // Creates an empty  arraylist
    while(stack.isEmpty() == false){
        Coordinate myObject = (Coordinate)stack.pop(); // takes the top    coordinate from the array
        list.add(myObject); // and adds it into the array list
        Collections.reverse(list); // Reverses the order of the arraylist
    for(Coordinate i:list){
        System.out.println(i);} // Prints out every coordinate in the array list


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



if(mazeExit(startingPoint.getRow(), startingPoint.getColumn(), rows, columns)){ // Checks to see if there is a potential exit
        if(skipFirst>2){ // This makes sure that it does not exit the maze from the entry
            finish = true; // Sets the boolean to true to stop the while loop
            return stack;}} // And returns the stack of coordinates
     // This  code happens only if it does not find any 0's to travel to    
    array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1; // sets the      space it is on to 1

     // This  code happens only if it does not find any 0's to travel to    
    array[startingPoint.getRow()][startingPoint.getColumn()] = 1; // sets the space it is on to 1
} catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException  e) {
    // Checks to see if there is a potential exit
    if (skipFirst>2) { // This makes sure that it does not exit the maze from the entry
        finish = true; // Sets the boolean to true to stop the while loop
        return stack;
    } // And returns the stack of coordinates

当你到达一个超出边界的位置时,这将触发Exception,因为数组[startingPoint.getRow()] [startingPoint.getColumn()]然后它将执行catch块。但要注意在你的捕获中有一个if,因为如果你的if代码不能执行,那么你需要知道你不能将数组中的值设置为1并且你不会退出该计划,请注意接下来会发生什么。

