VBA- Ubound Lbound错误

时间:2016-04-11 13:44:51

标签: vba excel-vba excel

我需要帮助plz我编写了下面的代码,但它在“For i = LBound(header,2)To UBound(header,2)”行中引发了错误13类型不匹配。问题在哪里?

Function Get_Header_Dico(ByVal header As Variant, _
                         ByVal header_line As Long) As Dictionary

    Dim i               As Long
    Dim headerDict      As Dictionary

    Set headerDict = New Dictionary

    For i = LBound(header, 2) To UBound(header, 2)
        If Not headerDict.Exists(header(header_line, i)) Then
            headerDict.Add header(header_line, i), i
            MsgBox "Please check data header, there is a duplicate"
        End If
    Next i

    Set Get_Header_Dico = headerDict
End Function


Sub Find_Differences()
    Dim wb1 As Workbook, wb2 As Workbook
    Dim data1, data2
    Dim header As Dictionary, data1_Dico As Dictionary, data2_Dico As Dictionary
    Dim different_Dico As Dictionary
    Dim key, tmp, result
    Dim transaction_Type As String, ISIN As String, NAV_Date As String, value_Date As String, nature As String, amount As String
    Dim i As Long, j As Long, lastRow As Long
    Dim sBook As String

If Workbooks.Count < 2 Then
MsgBox "Erreur: Un seul fichier est ouvert" & vbCr & _
"Ouvrir un 2eme fichier et exécuter le macro"
Exit Sub
End If

Set wb1 = ThisWorkbook
For Each wb2 In Workbooks
If wb2.Name <> wb1.Name Then Exit For

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
sBook = Application.InputBox(prompt:= _
"Comparer ce fichier (" & wb1.Name & ") avec...?", _
Title:="Compare to what workbook?", _
Default:=wb2.Name, Type:=2)
If sBook = "False" Then Exit Sub
If Workbooks(sBook) Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Fichier: " & sBook & " n'est pas ouvert."
GoTo ReDo1
Set wb2 = Workbooks(sBook)
End If

    Set header = Get_Header_Dico(data1, 1)

    Set data1_Dico = New Dictionary
    For i = 2 To UBound(data1, 1)
        transaction_Type = data1(i, header("Transaction Type"))
        ISIN = data1(i, header("ISIN Code"))
        NAV_Date = Format(data1(i, header("NAV Date")), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        value_Date = Format(data1(i, header("Value Date")), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        nature = data1(i, header("Investment Type"))
        If nature = "Unit" Then
            amount = Format(data1(i, header("Share Nb.")), "#0.0000")
        ElseIf nature = "Amount" Then
            amount = Format(data1(i, header("Fund Amount (Client Cur.)")), "#0.0000")
        End If

        key = transaction_Type & "#" & ISIN & "#" & NAV_Date & "#" & value_Date & "#" & nature & "#" & amount
        If Not data1_Dico.Exists(key) Then
            data1_Dico.Add key, i
        End If

    Next i

    Set header = Get_Header_Dico(data2, 1)

    Set data2_Dico = New Dictionary
    For i = 2 To UBound(data2, 1)
        transaction_Type = data2(i, header("S/R type"))
        ISIN = data2(i, header("Fund share code"))
        NAV_Date = Format(data2(i, header("Pricing Date")), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        value_Date = Format(data2(i, header("Value Date")), "dd/mm/yyyy")
        nature = data2(i, header("Nature"))
        If nature = "Unit" Then
            amount = Format(data2(i, header("Quantity")), "#0.0000")
        ElseIf nature = "Amount" Then
            amount = Format(data2(i, header("Net amount")), "#0.0000")
        End If

        key = transaction_Type & "#" & ISIN & "#" & NAV_Date & "#" & value_Date & "#" & nature & "#" & amount
        If Not data2_Dico.Exists(key) Then
            data2_Dico.Add key, i
        End If
    Next i

    Set different_Dico = New Dictionary
    For Each key In data1_Dico.Keys
        If Not data2_Dico.Exists(key) Then
            different_Dico.Add key, key
        End If
    Next key

    ReDim result(1 To different_Dico.Count, 0 To 5)
    i = 0
    For Each key In different_Dico.Keys
        tmp = Split(key, "#")
        i = i + 1
        For j = 0 To UBound(tmp)
            result(i, j) = tmp(j)
        Next j
    Next key

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Differences")
        .Range("A1").Resize(UBound(result, 1), UBound(result, 2) + 1) = result
    End With

    Set different_Dico = New Dictionary
    For Each key In data2_Dico.Keys
        If Not data1_Dico.Exists(key) Then
            different_Dico.Add key, key
        End If
    Next key

    ReDim result(1 To different_Dico.Count, 0 To 5)
    i = 0
    For Each key In different_Dico.Keys
        tmp = Split(key, "#")
        i = i + 1
        For j = 0 To UBound(tmp)
            result(i, j) = tmp(j)
        Next j
    Next key

    With ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Differences")
        lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        .Range("A" & lastRow + 2).Resize(UBound(result, 1), UBound(result, 2) + 1) = result
    End With


End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您假设header将是变体数组;这并非总是如此,正如John Coleman指出的那样,你最好检查一下类型。


将Excel范围对象传递到Excel VBA函数中的变量参数中将传入数据强制转换为变体数据类型。

是的,我们知道'cast'的预期行为是一个对象将使用它的默认属性填充变体,并且范围的默认属性属性是.Value变体 - 但结果是实际得到的是你的'变种'是Excel范围。


现在有一些函数 - UBound()和LBound()让人想起 - 期望看到一个数组,自动将范围的默认.Value属性转换为变量数组。但...


...而且,对于单细胞范围,它是标量变体; type是从单元格的.NumberFormat属性推断出的字符串或数字或日期时间类型,并且任何期望数组的函数在得到它时都会抛出类型错误。是的,UBound()和LBound()再次浮现在脑海中:它们会很好地工作,直到你通过单细胞范围的那一天。



因此,您的问题的答案是检查传入的参数,几乎与John Coleman建议的一样,然后使用您的数据填充内部变量:

Dim arrData As Variant
'If TypeOf header IS Excel.Range Then ' replaced by 'TypeName', which is more robust
If TypeName(header) = "Range" Then
If header.Areas(1).Cells.Count = 1 Then Redim arrData(1 To 1, 1 To 1) arrData(1, 1) = header.Areas(1).Value2 Else arrData = header.Areas(1).Value2 End If
    If Instr(TypeName(header),"(") > 1 Then 'This is more reliable than IsArray() arrData = header Else Redim arrData(1 To 1, 1 To 1) arrData(1, 1) = header End If
End If
' ...And run arrData through your code, instead of 'header'

建议您对从Excel范围获取的任何变体的内容运行IsError():一旦导入到VBA中,范围内的公式错误是难以处理的 - 没有VBA函数或操作符可以处理它们。


